Episode 239: Ian Mayer-Marszalek, Lead Colorist and National Corporate Trainer for Schwarzkopf

Most kids dread going to get their first haircut. There’s usually a bribe involved, maybe some tears, definitely a worn-out stylist by the end of it all. Ian Mayer-Marszalek, Lead Colorist & National Corporate Trainer for Schwarzkopf Professional on the other hand, looks back on those childhood trips to the salon fondly. Ian remembers feeling special sitting in that chair, like he had found a place he fit right in, knowing this was something he wanted to be a part of.

Ian was a natural at beauty school-where there may or may not have been some perm rod fights—but knew for certain that he was in the right place. He even had some regular clients while he was still a student!

One thing Ian realized that has helped him gain a competitive edge on his career journey, was his ability to carve out a niche for himself in the industry. Ian became an expert colorist, and has since become a National Trainer for Schwarzkopf Professional where he travels the country training other hair colorists.

To learn more about Ian’s career journey, listen to this episode wherever you get your podcasts!

Dan Hodgdon
Figure out what your extra is, and just blow it up and make sure people know that that's what you're good at.
Ian Mayer-Marszalek
AnnouncerWelcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™ hosted by Jodi Katz, Founder and Creative Director of Base Beauty Creative Agency.
Aleni MackareyHi, Jodi, how are you today?
Jodi KatzHi Aleni. I'm so excited for today's episode with Ian Mayer-Marszalek, he started as a hairdresser behind the chair and now he's a trainer and educator for Schwarzkopf Professional. And he does training for salons, he travels all around the country. That sounds like such a fun artistry job.
Aleni MackareyOh my gosh, that's really cool. That's such an interesting space for our listeners to hear insight into other paths you can take in that field and traveling, lots and lots of travel. That sounds actually like a great segue. You were just traveling somewhere, where where were you this summer?
Jodi KatzWell, that's surprise to anyone who knows me well we went to Disney.
Aleni MackareyThat's amazing. And what was on the itinerary for that Disney trip?
Jodi KatzWell, we got to do something very cool. And it's actually something that won't be around for long. We went on the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser. And the Starcruiser is a total immersive experience. And so the Star Wars world and it closes at the end of September forever. So I'm really glad that we got the chance to do this.
Aleni MackareyOh my gosh, okay. Well, I would expect that a super Disney fan like you and your family wouldn't be there. But that's still so cool to have gotten in under the wire. Awesome. Okay, well, our Artistry and Influencing theme continues with our final two episodes in this series. And coming up on the 27th we have Lives with esthetician Ian Michael Crum, and a celebrity makeup artist, Janine Lobell.
Jodi KatzOh my god, this is such a fun theme. And it makes me want to definitely do an Artistry theme quarter for next year, because there's just so many incredibly talented people and artistry takes many shapes and forms. I'm so glad that we get to shine a spotlight on it here at the show.
Aleni MackareyYeah, I mean, that even makes me think of our Listen Again Awards. If anybody missed those, we had a first time award show where prize winners took home awards based on, you know, their inspiring episodes and how motivating they are for our listeners to learn.
Jodi KatzRight. So we're gonna do our second Listen Again Awards at the beginning of next year, and that will honor our quarter three and quarter four guests. So we're gonna have a winner from our Artistry theme. So maybe you want to give us some insight as you think, who you think should win. And then our Healthy Mix will be quarter four. We'll have a recipient from that quarter as well. We'll celebrate them early next year.
Aleni MackareyAnd that sounds great. It's so great to look back and appreciate all those conversations that you have with the guests. Well, let's get to it. This is Episode 239, Ian Mayer-Marszalek.
Jodi KatzWelcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™. We are a career journey podcast talking about what it's like to define success and reach for it in the beauty and wellness industries. Today we continue our Artistry and Influencing theme with Ian Mayer-Marszalek, the Hair Colorist and National Corporate Trainer for Schwarzkopf Professional. He's helping fellow hairdressers discover hair color is as easy as you make it, inspiring colleagues to get to the root of the problem by taking tricky concepts and explaining them until they feel comfortable making all those quick decisions at the color mixing station. I'm excited to dive into the conversation about his career journey from behind the chair to educating the masses on Episode 239. Hi Ian, welcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekHello, hello. Thank you for having me.
Jodi KatzSo before we get started I want to mention your Instagram handle is the best hairspray I mean that is so good. That means to me I think it means you got your quick to Instagram a long time ago to snag something as good as that handle.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekHave like I remember sitting on my couch even choosing that name and like years later thinking How ironic because I'm a colorist not so much a stylist but like okay, yeah, it's alright.
Jodi KatzYou could have been Ian hair color.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekTotally. Yeah.
Jodi KatzOh, wow. It's still really good. i It's catchy. I'll keep it. So I'm gonna ask you a question. That's off script. It's on my mind as I sit in my office. Do you have a clean desk? Or Is yours a mess like mine?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekAh, that's the best question. I think in my world. It's organized chaos. Like I have everything within a reach. But it also looks like I could run the Pentagon from my desk because I have multiple monitors that I work off of. So a little bit of both, like, it looks like a mad person works here.
Jodi KatzAnd is that like, your happy place for it to be a little chaotic?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekIs my desk my happy place?
Jodi KatzNo, no, no. I mean, like that the way it's organized.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekI mean, I have everything I need. I can see of it. Yeah. I mean, what is it? What's the what's the thing like, you know, the most successful are brilliant people are the most chaotic in their own way. Let's run with that.
Jodi KatzWell, let's go way, way way back because this is a career journey show. And most of us being as ambitious as we are and loving this industry so much. We probably were equally as ambitious as kids. So let's go back to the 11 year old Ian, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekI even go so far as to say I remember my six year old self and I was at a wedding and I met, at the time in 1980, God knows what your a woman introduced herself as, a beautician. And I remember being a little boy just thinking like, oh my God, her hair, and she's so beautiful. And like, from that moment, I was like, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna get into the beauty business at a very young age, which is probably frightening to my parents, like, oh God.
Jodi KatzSo when she said beautician, and you saw like, I guess a glamorous look on her fuzzy 80s I'm sure it's super glamorous. You thought I can do that. Or I want to do that.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekYeah, I immediately was like, this is this is the world I need to be a part of, like, there was not even a question in my mind.
Jodi KatzHow I mean, like, You're so young.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekI know. I was little, but you know, I think I'm one of the lucky people. You know, like I had, you know, friends, obviously, in early 20s, who are in college and just trying to like, figure their, their stuff out. And they I had friends that were kind of like jealous, like, how did you just know like how you're like, already in your career path, like you're already making money. We're eating ramen over here. Like, it was, it was just in me and so much so that like, we have a little cocker spaniel when I was a pup, or when I was a kid, and the puppy was, you know, and I would like, tie her ears up with like, scrunchies when my sister was little, I used to, like, force her to like, stand there while they like curled her hair, or like, you know, did all the things that I had no idea what I was doing it. It's literally just intrinsic, it's just inside.
Jodi KatzSo why do you think that hair was your canvas? Like any anything could have been your canvas? Like a literal canvas? Could have been your canvas? The wall could have been your canvas? Why hair?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekI mean, yeah, that's a good question. Because I remember being in beauty school, like we had to dip our skill set and like makeup or, you know, the aesthetic part of it. And I mean, it would be an insult to the dry community to say that if I did somebody's makeup, they would look like a drag queen. Although, you know, you get my point. It probably wouldn't go well. And you know, aesthetics just didn't really do it for me. I don't I just maybe getting my hair done as a kid. I liked how that felt. And just that kind of vibe. And I wanted to be a part of that. Yeah, I am a terrible art like, like on Canvas, as you said, artists like I can't draw to save my life. And don't ask me to paint but yeah, it's it's that seems like the happiest medium to me. And then and then I went to school beauty school for it. And it was just like gangbusters from there.
Jodi KatzSo let's talk about this finding change for a donut because I imagine that maybe do eat donuts still, like we've had guys on? Absolutely. So it makes me think of something that's happened to me in my career. So early in my entrepreneurial journey when I had no game and like really didn't know what I was doing. Like my business wasn't making a lot of money and you know, had a roof over my head and a warm home in the winter in a cool home in the summer. But I didn't have money for like the extras, right? So I would like want to go out and get like, you know, a delicious iced tea and like the cool coffee shop and then it'd be like, no, because that's $5. And then tomorrow's another $5. Right. I didn't have room for these things. So now every time anytime I go to get an iced tea, I feel this like warmth of such gratitude that like I don't even have to think about paying for the iced tea anymore, right? It's just I can have the iced tea. Um, do you have these sensations through your your time, like, you know, when you had to be so lean as a young person just getting your footing to you know, just being able to move through the world and make decisions and not have to worry about them?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekYeah, absolutely. I'm definitely so my husband and I, when we lived in New York, we were very poor. And he had started his own business in Manhattan of all places. And I was working for Schwarzkopf as like a regional rep in the northeast part of the country. So I had an area that I managed, but it's New York. And so even though I was making like I'd say good money, like it still was like not very one we are and so we were poor. We were living paycheck to paycheck. And we always said to each other. Just think when we had what we called it the laughing times, when we look back on when we report and laugh about the fact that like, going out to dinner was a treat or you know, like you said like buying the Starbucks was like, oh, that's it's Friday, I can do that today. And so now we are where we say that we're in the laughing times because you know, we do okay, and we can you know, go out to dinner with friends or like, you know, take a long weekend in New York and yeah, we still have to watch it but life is good. You know, like I'm in an industry that is there's so many facets to the in the ways that you can make money and while I don't do hair full time anymore, behind the chair, they work for this brand, you know, and they take care of us and yeah, we're in the laughing times now. I buy donuts and coffee, whatever we want.
Jodi KatzBut It's the simple things, you know, I think that's what why this is meaningful to me is one wouldn't think a nice tea is a big deal. But for me, it's just a marker of like progress and all the hard work I put into my career and what it's given me back. Right. And, you know, it's like this muscle that I'm building, you know, day after day, week after week, and now my muscles are stronger. And I really am grateful and appreciative of that. And I know a lot of people in our industry are right, we all have to start from somewhere. Okay, so let's talk about let's switch gears, there's probably a lot of people, we're gonna listen to this episode and wonder about how do I get from A to B, right? You know, like the zillions of people in cosmetology school today, many of them would probably love to have a job like yours, right? Maybe be working behind the chair every day is not for everybody, right? And you get to meet people, you get to, you know, share your craft, but do it in a way that's allows you to travel and bring new trends forward. So how would one person get from school to a job like this?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekI am going to say something that I say to everybody who comes into the Schwarzkopf Professional brand, we're looking to be an educator, and it's something that I've just kind of stumbled across in the past few years as a as a pillar of my being. So what I'm about to say is very profound, at least I think, is how can you be extra? How can you? Like, if somebody asks you to do something, you don't just do it? You have, like, how can I give more, you know, how can I? How can I be noticed? And so my thing, if you had to ask when from like when I was in beauty school to like, you know, working behind the chair to managing, you know, a region for Schwarzkopf to like being a national trainer. Now, that senior national trainer is what makes you stand out what makes you different? What makes you better than the person or the salon next to you down the street? You know, whatever, how are you extra. And so yes, I started out doing hair. And then I started working for Schwarzkopf professional full time, but I kind of carved out for myself what my niche was in my niche is kind of chemistry technical, you know, taking things from like research and development chemists, and then being able to explain them to your everyday hairdresser. That's my wheelhouse. And I am so into it and so passionate about it that I can explain you know, any chemicals, anything about hair color to anybody in such a way I could do it six different ways. And so that's that's earned me this very niche little spot at Schwarzkopf professional because I work with marketing, because I have an eye for detail there. I work with our research and development team on Yeah, a hairdresser would never use that. Or, you know, that would take too much time. Or you know, Baba, I mean, such a unique little spot that I've carved out for myself. So I would say, if you've got something in your brain, and or an idea of what you want, and you want to be the national trainer, whatever it looks like, figure out what your extra is figure out whatever it is that you're good at, or that you're special with, and just blow it up. And make sure people know that that's what you're good at. Because there's a million hairdressers that are probably graduating, you know, around the world, and how the hell are you gonna stand out? Like, and it doesn't even have to do anything with social media. It's just how do you stand out? I mean, that of course helps but sorry, for the long, you know, it's my thing. And passionate.
Jodi KatzI love that. And that is amazing. And I think it's really wise advice for anyone in any industry, right? Like, how are you going to plus up, you know, the work versus the other people around you? That's, you know, energy wise, quality of work wise, how you make everyone else's job easier? Why? It's like it could apply to anything.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekYeah. 100%. And then my other thing, and it's sometimes it's hard, depends on the day is to just, just be nice. It sounds like that's such a ridiculous thing to say, but like, and nobody's perfect, right? But like being humble and being just genuinely nice. Like, when somebody asks you a question in a class or somebody, you know, just always like with a smile, you know, like, we have snappy days, everybody does, nobody's perfect, but like, I've just found that I want people to remember me as being like a genuinely nice and passionate person who's approachable because you know, you can when you start climbing these ladders in whatever career direction you want to go, you sometimes tend to lose touch with kind of where you came from. So just kind of being mindful of, of who got you there and who helped you and, and being just nice to people I think just goes away a lot farther than a lot of people realize.
Jodi KatzI appreciate this topic and I want to dig into it a little bit more because when I was starting in the advertising and marketing industries, I was brought on to shoot and like I saw like legit pre Madonna behavior, right, like people not being nice people, you know, making themselves a center of attention when like they, you know, shouldn't have been really causing like kind of tornadoes and hurricanes within the work and I vowed when I started my own agency like I'm never worried with a prima donna personality, like the only people we will work with are kind and nice and respectful. Yeah, I'm sure you've seen The same right in your career. Have you noticed like a big shift, you know, in terms of the way people behave and treat each other in these creative environments?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekI do. You know, back in, like I said, the early aughts when I was getting started, I think this whole culture of like breaking people down to build them back up was like, a was a thing. I'm not even gonna use the word vibe, because it's, I think it's disgusting. I think some people respond to it, you know, being broken down to be built back up in, in the culture of wherever it is, they're working. So whether it's a chain of salons or like a, you know, wherever, but maybe it's the millennial in me, that's kind of like, I grow more with positive encouragement and feedback than I do telling me oh, that, you know, highlights suck. Do it again, like, I don't know, I just, I feel like the energy of our industry is kind of shifting more into you catch more bees with honey, I think I don't know what the phrase is, but you get what I'm saying, like, long gone, I feel and I'm perpetuating are the days of yelling at people and screaming at people and making people feel a little, you know, and as I said, some people thrive on that and propel and, you know, really, that's what lights them. That is not the way that I work. And nor do I want the culture where I work to be that and so whenever I see it, smell it, you know, whatever, it's, it doesn't last long. There's no space for that at all.
Jodi KatzSo we have a lot of people who are stylists who are in salons or in creative environments. If you can just add into the comments, your observations, if people have been, I guess, behaving appropriately the past, let's say five years versus when you started out in your career, I'd love to get some more perspectives from our listeners. So you can DMS, DMS, if you just feel like you don't you want to keep it private. That's fine, too. Okay, let's talk about the intersection of being a professional, a pro voice and expert. And knowing that posting a lot on social media can help you in your career, but you also are busy doing your day job. Right? So this is a huge tension, right? You're an artist, and an expert to get more credibility and more exposure and more opportunities. Being a part of the machine of social media is valuable. But that means that you have to take time away from being in your day worlds, right? To do that. So I hear from so many working stylists, colorist makeup artists, wardrobe, stylists, photographers, they're too busy during the day doing their work, but like there's a need for it and a want for it. So how do you reconcile this because you are artists and influencers?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekThat's the, that's the million dollar question of 20-whatever-the-year-is, it's a new special kind of talent that I don't have. I don't work I mean, which I still obviously I work for Schwarzkopf Professional we've got amazing influencers like Maggie, I'm H and PC and the blonde Chronicles LGB girl Joseba like, all these people are so incredibly talented, in that yes, they are skilled hairdressers, but somehow managed to like weave in this ability to show themselves off or, or share their work to like you know, just simply share with people it's such a tight rope to walk and be able to like be professional, have your clienteles give them the the attention and the quality they deserve. Plus capture good content for like reels or whatever the lighting and then the posting. And I admire people who can do this with grace because I would be fumbling all over the place with like, my phone would be in the bowl of bleach and there'd be foils everywhere I would I would have the Instagram channel or like other salon chaos would be my instagram handle for that. If I tried to do that.
Jodi KatzI want to just give a shout out to share share who just joined so they were a guest on my show, Courtney and Ty the founders years ago, and I love that you just joined because this is not an ad. This is just my editorializing. They created an app that's almost like the Uber for stylists. So you can rent a chair in a city in a salon where you're doing work just for the day for a few hours, right for people who do you know work on both coasts or in multiple cities. So I want to shout this year share because I love what Courtney and I are doing. And you these are your people, you know, all these salons. And for salon owners when they don't have all their chairs filled, it's a great way to make supplemental income by having these people rent chairs for the day. Okay, so let's talk about this other aspect that's so important. And it's a theme that comes up so often on our show is the seduction of success. So success in our industry is really exciting, right? We're we're fun like this is amazing. But there's only 24 hours in the day and you don't want to be awake for all those and you certainly don't want to be working for all this. So what is your advice to people in your industry about like when to take a pause right like to press pause on the ambition and be a human or be a friend or a partner or you know, a sibling or whatever it is?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekOh that's a really phenomenal question. Okay, so specifically for Like my world, in the world of like professional hair education, like I said at the beginning, you know, I'm super passionate, and I want to make sure that whatever I do is done well, or received well, or whatever. So I get nervous before, I'm supposed to do things like this or a stage presentation, I think the age old saying like when you kind of start to lose those those nerves of passion, maybe it's time to like, take a beat, you know, but that question is really good, because it's going to be different for everybody. I again, like I don't have kids, I have a husband, we have some pets, like, my life is fairly simple. And I say that in comparison to like, you know, I see these, like, artists with the kids and I couldn't I have a niece and nephew. And I don't know, I just, it's so hard for people. So I feel like you know, where maybe you start to lack in one area of your life. And that's getting in the way, you know, the shifting of balance, I think is that's where there we go there I finally got there, the shifting of balance sometimes can be a tricky thing. But when you start not loving what you do, it might take a minute to like, figure me because it like you said it perfectly, you know, people who are behind the chair, I love being behind the chair, I would still be behind the chair one or two days a week. But I didn't want to be behind the chair for the rest of my life, I wanted to still be in the beauty industry, but in a different facet. So I started kind of barking up the education tree. And now that's turned into this. And, you know, I think that it's a beautiful industry, because there are so many facets that you can have in it. Education presenter, hair, colorist hair style, I mean, the list goes on for days, and it's such a great way for you to still be in it. Even if you're not loving to one part of it.
Jodi KatzBefore we move off our interview portion of the show, I want to do something I don't usually do, which is actually talking about beauty. I want to tell you in the world that I've decided to embrace my gray, I'm 47. And like around my temples, it just getting to be a lot. So instead of coloring and covering over my gray, I were doing like low lights of my dark brown and mixing it in so that I get a sprinkle of gray. So it's takes more time in the chair. Right? So I'm definitely like spending more time in the salon. But it was time the line of demarcation was driving me nuts, right, like those grades growing in. And now I'm on a new path and a new journey. And you can't really tell that much when I have my hair like this. But when I pull it back into pony, you can see like, a lot more gray for sure. And I'm gonna go with it.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekYeah, I mean, you're talking to the Chicago Santa Claus here because my my beard started going gray in my 20s. And for like a hot minute, I was like, I could just like comb some color through almost like what you were saying. And then I started to look like that cheesy guy at the bar who like colors, his facial hair that looks terrible. And I was like, Well, I can't be that guy. So I'm just, I, my whole thing is like, you know, good skin, young face white hair, love that combo. And I can see that for you as well. So you're you're rocking it and keep going.
Jodi KatzSo maybe hopefully we'll get to see each other in real life in a few months or so. And I'll have more of my you know, grow out. And I'm, I'm ready for it. I mean, maybe I'm not totally ready for it. But I'm ready to move beyond the line of demarcation and the ridiculous frequency of covering it all.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekThat I will especially since COVID. I've noticed so many people like growing up their color, but they're it's a look like if you can pull it off and it's done. And you're like, you know, I don't know I I sometimes think people are, you know, oh, you let it go. You let yourself go. You have gray hair like no like sign it out. Get a cute cut like you wear red lip. I love it.
Jodi KatzSo I want to tell one funny story before we move on. I have eyeglasses and they're gray. They're like a gray gradient. And I was at the gym this morning and I have my hair pulled back into a tight bun and somebody sends me oh, I love your glasses. They match your hair. But in my head like my hair is brown, but it's not. It's like really it's like this. It's like gradient. It's like a little bit dark to light. And I just thought that was really funny. I'm definitely moved into the place where people are seeing the gray and it’s surreal.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekOh, oh, yeah.
Jodi KatzOkay, this is wrapping up our interview segment for thank you so much. And this is so fun and your honesty and wisdom is so incredible. I know our listeners are so grateful. Okay, we have a few minutes left for fan questions and there's so many that rolled in. Okay. Oh, this is a really good one. MDM asked. Are blondes still your specialty?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekI'd say yeah, I love the transformation. I am blonde. It's just I'd say yeah, I think most of my, my people that I still do are blondes.
Jodi KatzDo you see people like are you looking at me being like I want to make her blonde like is that like do you want to belong in the world?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekNo. No, I don't I feel like there should be more meat to this answer. You don't wait I can tell when it when it's going to look good. But honestly anybody could kind of be blonde whether it's just like, you know, a little face framings or like full blown bleach and tone blonde could be for everybody. I think that's why I like it like you could kind of put it on anybody. But they don't necessarily like look at people like, Oh, this is how I would do their hair.
Jodi KatzWhen I was in my 20s, I lived on Miami Beach for a little while for a job. And what happens when you go to places like this as you go from being brunette to being blonde, like over time, and I didn't know I was becoming like, so long as blonde as I became right. You just sort of just happens gradually, sometimes. And then when I came back to New York, I was like walking around the streets in New York. I'm like, This is not me. I felt like a golden retriever. Like it didn't make any sense. Like, in Miami, I guess it made sense. So once I was back in, you know, my old neighborhood in New York, I was like, I need to be brunette. Again, this is not the real me.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekI will say, I've been I feel like you fear blonde in New York. It's almost like the handbag you carry. Like, as you're telling people, I can afford to view those blonde. So yeah, they could. And I've seen I lived there for 10 years, and I've seen it like, you see these women walk around. I'm like, oh, yeah, you know, you're glad that you're owning it. i love that.
Jodi KatzI just felt like I was wearing like a costume. Like, like I was, you know, it wasn't who I was. It wasn't guys. Okay, I think we have time for one more question. Oh, this is such a good one. Do you have any summer vacation plans?
Ian Mayer-MarszalekSummer vacation plans? Well, we just went to, actually we just went to New York a few weeks ago, just to like, have a long weekend because that's my happy place on this planet like you. Paris, the Maldives, whatever. New York is my jam. But we're planning a friend trip to Nicaragua early next year, which is like the big one. So we'll get to, we'll get to experience Central America. But no, this summer I'm actually taking the week off. But I'm being hella basic and boring. And I'm gonna stay at home and like, reorganize a Tupperware drawer and clean out the closet. You know, like the boring things that you never get to do. But those things are so satisfying. Oh, I never read Kondo up my closet, like we've got, oh, yeah, we're yeah, we're the lawn will be mowed, the dogs will be groomed. It’ll be fun.
Jodi KatzYeah. And this has been so much fun. I'm so grateful for your time and your wisdom. Thank you for joining us for Episode 239.
Ian Mayer-MarszalekYay. Thank you so much. This is like the most fun part of my day. I cannot thank you enough. I'll happily come back and do it anytime. You're such a great host.
Jodi KatzThank you. And thank you for fans for joining us. If you liked this episode, please rate and review. And as always, make sure you're following us on your favorite podcast platform and Instagram to stay up to date on the upcoming episodes and all the fun we have along the way. Thank you so much, Ian.
Ian Mayer-Marszalekthank you so much. Have a great rest of your day.
Jodi KatzBye, everybody.
AnnouncerThanks for listening to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™ with Jodi Katz. Tune in again for more authentic conversations with beauty leaders.

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