Episode 235: Monaè Everett, Celebrity Hairstylist, Author, and Diversity Equity and Inclusion Consultant

One of the things we’re learning throughout our Influencer Journey Quarter is the focus Influencers place on education. All of the Influencers we’ve spoken with have been so passionate about educating their audiences and that brings us to none other than Monaè Everett: Celebrity Hairstylist, Author, and Diversity Equity and Inclusion Consultant.

Monaè’s career journey has led her from newcomer, to the world of cosmetology, to becoming an industry leader. Not only does Monaè have over 20 years of experience, she is the Founder of The Monae Life Academy, an online academy teaching how-to-style for all hair textures, and The Texture Style Awards, a competition for hair stylists centered around diversity and inclusion helping hair stylists and their clients see the beauty in all hair textures.

To learn about Monaè’s career journey from cosmetology school to starting her own online school, listen to this episode wherever you get your podcasts!

If you're not getting booked or you don't have the money, that's more than just a belief. That's a symptom of needing to do something different.
Monaè Everett
AnnouncerWelcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™ hosted by Jodi Katz, Founder and Creative Director of Base Beauty Creative Agency.
Aleni MackareyHi, Jodi. I'm so excited. For this week's episode, we have an old friend joining us.
Jodi KatzHi, Aleni. Yes, today's episode is really special to me, because I've known our guest Monaè for many, many years. And she is, I feel like, I think we're very similar. I'll say we both really understand that it's a hustle to get to your goals. And she and I have been hustling on the same path, you know, different roads since she's a hairstylist. And I'm not, but very similarly for many, many years. And we've worked with her behind the scenes at photo shoots. She also worked with our team. We did a an incredible immersion program with her a few years ago to learn deeper, deeper, deeper dive into what it takes on set to get textured hairstyles to do what we want them to do on set, but with awesome multiple style changes. And what prep time we need. So is really informative on the way that we plan shoots today.
Aleni MackareyOh, that's amazing. That's such a good word hustling for Monaè. I feel like she's so synonymous with that, in my mind. Every time I see her, she's just like a bundle of energy. She's on it. She's always like, you know, in the room where it happens. And she's amazing at the different things we've worked with her on as well. That's great. So tell me more about the episode. What can I expect from the game this week?
Jodi KatzWell, everyone has to go back to our Instagram because that's Instagram exclusive content, I'll remind you, but we play a really fun game every single week with our guests. And this one with Monea was awesome. We went through iconic hairstyles from across many, many decades. And I'd say Monaè and I both last night game, feeling inspired to go a little retro with our hair and maybe some 80s or 90s throwbacks.
Aleni MackareyThat's amazing. We're gonna have to get some of those styles into your next hair and makeup looks for different upcoming events.
Jodi KatzYes, and Natasha, our producer asked me to dig up some photos, which I don't have. So I have to figure out where to find them. But I will look.
Aleni MackareyThat's great. Okay, so Monaè talked a lot about different hairstyles. What else?
Jodi KatzWell, she, like I said, is really an amazingly inspiring entrepreneur herself. She talked about the Monaè Life Academy. This is an online academy that teaches hairstyles, how to style for our editorial how to get into the celebrity styling world, and how to work across all hair and textures. And she also has the texture Style Awards, which is coming up really soon. Do you know anything about that award show?
Aleni MackareyI have seen the coverage for this on social media. I know it's a competition for hairstylist and it's really centered around diversity and inclusion, helping hair stylists and their clients see the beauty in all hair textures, which is something that we know personally Monaè is so wonderful at being a champion for and it's a really great bridge between this quarter of influencers and our next quarter with artistry and influencing.
Jodi KatzYes, it's incredible how if you're an artist and hairstylist and makeup artists, esthetician, whatever, you also have to be an influencer today, right, to grow your business. So this is really what we're exploring in this theme.
Aleni MackareyI love it. I'm so excited to listen to more, so here is Episode 235 with Monaè Everett.
Jodi KatzWelcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™ we are career journey podcast talking about what it's like to define success and reach for it in the beauty and wellness industries. Today we continue our influencer journey theme with Monaè Everett, a celebrity hairstylist, author and Diversity Equity and Inclusion consultants. With over 20 years of the industry experience Monaè loves to educate and has launched the Monaè Life Academy, an online academy specifically for hair stylists and makeup artists. teaching how to style for editorial celebrity and all hair textures her passion project the texture Style Awards is a competition for hairstylist centered around diversity and inclusion. Helping hair stylists recognize that their skills not only make clients look good, but help the world to see the beauty in all hair textures. I'm excited to dive into the conversation about her career journey from behind the chair to magazine cover shoots on episode 235. Hi, Monaè.
Monaè EverettHi, Jodi, how are you?
Monaè EverettThank you for having me. I mean, there's nowhere else in the world I would rather be than here with you.
Jodi KatzYou are so sweet. And I want to give our fans like a little lay of the land. We've known each other for a really long time like a really, really long time. We've worked together on commercial shoot work, we commiserated with each other about how hard it is to be an entrepreneur. Do you remember how we met?
Monaè EverettI don't remember exactly how we met. I do know that you have always been kind to me. You have invited me to different events that you've done for brands. You've always taken the time to talk to me. I knew. I'm pretty sure I knew about your podcast before we met so I was like, even more excited to meet you.
Jodi KatzOkay, so I've had the show for six years. So I think we've definitely known each other for almost six years.
Monaè EverettYeah, it was brand new. It was brand new. And you were like, you've heard my talk. I was like, okay, I'm just gonna go into my LinkedIn.
Jodi KatzI wonder if we met on LinkedIn? Because you were so good at like, connecting? Yeah. Okay. I'm gonna go back in time. This is real time. Let me let me say, Okay, so 2021 Oh, no, we knew we knew each other before. Yeah, yeah. So that's the first message in the like, the lineup. So let me check my email. This isn't all in real time discovering, because I want to, I want to figure this out. I feel like you, you introduce yourself?
Monaè EverettAbsolutely. You know, I moved to New York about 12 years ago. And the goal was to do things totally different to have a different career than working in the salon. And I was like, okay, if I'm gonna do this, I gotta put myself out there and meet people. I am such an introvert. So I made it like my life's mission, to introduce myself to people, which is like, it makes me shake every time I do it even to this day, but I'm happy I introduced myself to you.
Jodi KatzI think we started knowing each other around 2018. Really? No, earlier that? Yeah, I think that's it for that, too. Okay, so we have a call sheet from a shoot up from October 2018. But I feel like we must have known each other for like two years before that. I think it's like 2016.
Monaè EverettI would guess that, that’s exactly what I was gonna say. I think we knew each other two years before that, because we were so excited to finally be able to literally work together instead of just, you know, me coming to one of your events or seeing each other out and about.
Jodi KatzThis is so great. I love going back in time. Okay, so that was just a little walk down memory lane. I don't have any emails before 2018. So we might have met each other in an event and then talked on the actual telephone. Yeah. It's what people did back then. Okay, let's get down to business. I want to start at the beginning. And the beginning for the show. Since we're career journey is those career aspirations that we have when we're young. So go back to your 11 year old self, what do you want to be when you grew up?
Monaè EverettA singer, everyone else in my family could dance and I can dance. So I was like, Okay, I want to be in front of people. I want to be a singer. And then I learned that I couldn't sing. So maybe that wasn't going to work. I was good enough provide the competitive travel courses at that age group. A singer was not what I was meant to be. And then I said, Okay, well, if I can't sing, I still want to be in front of people. What else can I do? So then I wanted to go into radio and TV. And I worked at that for a while I focused on that I really wanted to be a radio personality. But right before going to college, I was like, you know, I was super opinionated about how people look. So people were like, you can't do better and I thought like what a little training I'm sure I could do better because like you keep talking about times were different. We didn't even have like the red carpet and we certainly didn't have social media so it was not the norm to sit around and have all of these you know, opinions on people's look but I fell in love with it.
Jodi KatzSo that is so fun that you were talking about this and then appear so do you like the new do better? I love this challenge. I feel like your personality loves to meet challenges. So what what a good way. Okay, but how did you actually pick you know, hair, right? Because there's a lot you could have gone into fashion. There's a lot of ways to achieve a lot. So why hair?
Monaè EverettNo one has ever asked me that question. Why hair? So my off the cuff? Answer is my school offered fashion. And I was taking those classes. And I knew like I wouldn't be able to pursue it. No part of me thought I was really becoming equipped to do fashion from those classes. But my school also offer cosmetology and the women, the girls who were taking cosmetology loved it. So I was like, Oh, you can be licensed when you graduate high school. This is amazing. So I started trying to apply for the cosmetology program. It was a Vocational Center attached to my high school. And that mattered for a lot of other reasons. But they would never select me. And then I would be at I got to the point where I could have graduated at 16 as a junior, which now I know that means it wouldn't have gotten money for me. So the school didn't like that. And all of a sudden they were like, Oh, if you come back your senior year, I literally needed one of elective. I was able to take cosmetology and take English that's all I needed to graduate. But it was a two year program. So I had to come back my freshman year in college, but you know, I had no idea. So many different careers existed. That's why I try my hardest to teach different people because I thought well, I'm right outside of DC you know the huge city that is DC now knowing that's like not a beauty or Fashion Place, but I didn't know that at the time. I had no idea what I didn't know didn't know these other things existed.
Jodi KatzUm, I want to hear about your first gig doing hair. Like do you remember like the first time someone paid you to do hair or anything about hair, washing hair, or whatever it is?
Monaè EverettYeah. So I feel like it was before cosmetology school. So before I was 17, and I remember the house that we lived in, was to level and my room was on the bottom floor. But everybody else, everything else was upstairs. So I had a friend who had asked me to do her hair. And then she started telling other people. So I started running a salon, out of the first floor of my house, and like you couldn't tell me anything. I had always worked. In high school, I started at 14 with, like paint jobs. And then I was like, well, people are paying me to do their hair too. So school kind of went on the back-burner. I was fortunate enough to students still do well on it. But my focus was my jobs and my salon, I was running out of my house, you know.
Jodi KatzWhen you started in the industry, after getting your license, making connections is all about looking in the fine print magazines to figure out who are the photographers and the hairstylist and trying to get, you know, apprenticeship or opportunities that way that feels like a long time ago, right? That that's how people connect. And now it's easy enough for people to DM you and ask questions. I've always seen you as someone who loves to mentor is that really the spirit that goes into like the texture awards and everything else that you do outside of, you know, actually doing hair behind the chair?
Monaè EverettYeah, so I feel like we're skipping over like most people do the struggles, and the really hard times and the tears and the weeping and the not knowing if I'm gonna make it or if I need to go somewhere else. So things went really well for me. And then they got really horrible. And I remember begging God, like if this is for me, if this is where you want me to be, and you make it better, I promise you, I will mentor other people. Like it was a soul aching cry, like if you let me through this. And let me figure out the way I will mentor other people. And so I have stayed true to that. Reaching out to other people answering questions when they asked me people like you, Jody has helped me. And it was never something you had to do. So I always look back fondly, and favorably to people who have helped me and I know that you are only blessed with more in your hand. If you give others you got to empty and make some space and you got to give others something for you to get something.
Jodi KatzYou know, it's so interesting, because when I think of your career, like you've worked on so many like, I focus a lot on the young celebrities, young Hollywood, you're like you're you're I feel like you're one probably one of the most like voices of professional hair and their lives. When they start their careers, you really been able to be like really right there in that moment where they're becoming big stars. And I'm sure they really value that relationship. So you're talking about the tough times, and I'm thinking about all the celebrities. So what changed, like what what sent you from like, everything being fine into like, you know, it sounds like despair, before you're able to get to where you are now.
Monaè EverettI just literally had no idea what to do. There was no one for me to go through. There were no working artists willing to tell me the proper steps or understanding that there's a difference between someone who was successful and someone who was able to teach you. So maybe they tried to tell me the steps but they might have left a few things out here and there. So I would say I was doing really well in the DC area. I was in shoes when I wanted to I was sought after. But I also had a job working managing a salon and then I became a hair color educator. And literally one day they called in the 1000s of us that they hired and fired us. They told us they changed their mind on their on the position and basically everybody was laid off. And I was really blessed that they literally had this meeting one day after my three months, so they had to give me a separate they. They thought they were firing everybody. No, ma'am, you're gonna have to pay me. So it was absolute despair. Because I lost my job. I lost my long term boyfriend and I lost my apartment in the same week. None of them having anything to do with me. The apartment, I lost because my landlord ran into issues and had stopped paying the mortgage. And then when I turned the boyfriend that wanted to get married, like oh, so I guess time it's working out now we can move in. He was like no, ma'am. So things really fell apart. And I had to figure out how to dig myself out of this hole. Like everything that I looked towards was, you know, receding from me. So I decided that I wanted to move to New York, but I was really scared to make that move. I worked a lot of different connections. I emailed people I was going to websites, I was going through magazines. I made all of these connections just enough for me to move to New York and things We're going well, and then they just fell apart again. And I like to call these things out. Because sometimes you see people and you're thinking, Oh, they're telling us so great. And they made a few phone calls and look at them now. And I'm like, that is absolutely not how it went. And just a point for why I believe things fell apart. When I moved to New York was, I had a book and resources for the DC area, not for New York. So I had a few lucky opportunities, but not enough to sustain me. I had not planted enough seeds to read what I had sown. But no one told me that I didn't know I needed to do that ahead of time.
Jodi KatzIt's so interesting, because as you're talking you kind of walking down memory lane, it's making me think about gosh, I like was right there with you like crying on my friends couches. Why am I doing this? There's no future here. What am I going to do? I don't feel that way anymore. But like, that was kind of my every day for a really long time. Like the uncertainty, the worry, the lack of confidence, I definitely had low self esteem. And I didn't have the power to believe in myself. I just sort of kept trying. Right?
Monaè EverettAbsolutely. And more than the power to believe in yourself and self esteem, that's important. But sometimes I want to give up literal word to it too. If you're not getting booked, or if you don't have the money. That's more than just a public belief. But that's a symptom of needing to do something different. And sometimes we don't know the answer. Like I was calling the salon managers asking them what to do, how they don't know how to be a celebrity hairstylist. If they did, they would. But they would give me crappy advice. And I would say all this person is so smart. Let me follow it and it would be wrong.
Jodi KatzYeah, you're making me think of a hustle. I mean, I still hustle. Yeah, it just looks different. But you know, in the early days of my business based beauty, we know, I knew we were good, but no one else knew it and actually have the portfolio work to prove it. So I had to, you know, like you did meet photographers become friends with them, ask them if we can, like, you know, I have these ideas for shoots, can I direct it? Right? And just like literally hustle. Everybody needs to build their portfolio, not just me, right? So it benefited everybody. And you know, basically doing free work for yourself to prove to the world that you can do it is what it takes. And this is probably the same for you in your career.
Monaè EverettOh my god, absolutely. Like you have to do a photo shoot to say that you can do a photo shoot for a soda company. They have to see that because for some reason, they think that's different than doing a photo shoot from a sports shoe company. And they're like, Well, we haven't seen that in your book or to say you can do you know, shoulder length hair versus wasteland pair and you're like, What the hell? What can you see its head? No, the truth of the matter is, they literally absolutely cannot because they know how to do their job. They don't know how to do your job, so they can't risk you not doing your part, right, they have to see at all.
Jodi KatzOur theme this quarter that you're part of is influencer journey and artistry, your form of influence comes in a lot of ways, obviously, the impact you have on your celebrity clients, as you're helping them in their formative years of their career. Because I love that you work with some of these young celebrities. I know you work with celebrities, my age too, but I just love focusing on the young people because you get to do really cool things in the young people.
Monaè EverettThey just like so true. Oh my god. Yes. You're so right, the Gen Z girls, but you know, we're moving into like, you know this because we talked about Gen Z, moving into Gen Alpha like crazy. What do you mean, you people are old enough to be acting and singing? Blasphemy.
Jodi KatzOkay, so you are influential in that way. But you're also influential in the work that you do through education and the texture Style Awards. I do want to spend a few minutes talking about this, because I know it's really important to you. And I think what you're doing here is a different type of influence, right? It's what you're saying to people who look up to you is like, you can do it too, right?
Monaè EverettAbsolutely.
Jodi KatzSo tell us about the Texture Style Awards, and who participates and why it's meaningful to them.
Monaè EverettSure. So, the Texture Style Awards are the first and only award show made to celebrate all four year textures. So that's everybody in the world here to actually you fall into one of those four, and the artists who slayed them. It's a diversity and inclusion initiative that shows the importance of being able to style all hair textures. So this is great for the salon stylists or for the stylists who wants to work beyond the chair. And if you want to work beyond the chair, this is great for those artists as well because many times the same artists are getting booked and maybe they are not the most qualified for the job. So I'm here to also shake up the beauty industry by showing different forms of talent.
Jodi KatzAnd what form do these awards take like? Is it am I watching someone get their hair done in front of me in an award show like what what can people expect?
Monaè EverettSo, you artists have until June 30th to submit their work. They can submit their work and up to 10 different categories. So there's a pro categories, straight hair, wavy hair, curly hair, and coily, hair, up style or down style. So those are eight categories. And we have two categories for cosmetology up style or down style. They have until June 30, to submit their work through texture, style awards.com. Then we have our celebrity stylists panel, we have 24 celebrity stylists, so salon owners, wedding artists, celebrity artists, they go through the work and narrow it down to the top in each category, and then we open up for public voting at the end of July. From there we have a live ceremony in New York City on August 13th. And we'll have a ceremony where we will choose from the nominees and then we will award the recipient with thousands of dollars in products and tools, one-on-one mentorship from the brands, private event invitations, and all types of press and opportunities.
Jodi KatzI love this, okay. And then for the awards themselves, or their brand sponsors and partners that you have.
Monaè EverettAbsolutely, so we have some great sponsors, but there's always room for more. Right now, our main sponsor is BBI, that's Ouidad, Wet Brush Curls and Bio Ionic. We also have Myavana, we have Moroccanoil, Ulta Beauty, and a few other great sponsors. But there's definitely a lot for more sponsors. So if you believe in diversity and inclusion, and you want to be supportive of the beauty industry, we would love to have you.
Jodi KatzOkay, so all of our friends listening in the hair industry, please support this award show. This is a second year, and I have a feeling this is the second of many, many men and you can be on the front lines with Monaè on this important initiative. And you know, and before we know it, we're going to blink and this is gonna be like a TV series. So getting on the ground floor.
Monaè EverettYes, exactly. Exactly. And one more thing that I have coming up on June 12th. So this upcoming Monday night, we are having an intimate diversity and inclusion conversation about breaking barriers in the hairstyling industry. And I would love for you guys to join me there. All you need to do to join is just go to tinyurl.com/tsa talk to register, it's going to be in New York City at the Ouidad Flagship Salon. We're expecting a great outturn, we're going to have Keya Neal who was a diversity and inclusion advocate for hair stylist in the salon, as well as Derrick Monroe, who is an Emmy-nominated hairstylist and talk show producer himself. Oh, he would watch the TV series. I love that. Please, let’s get that word out there from you guys mouth to God's ears. Let's make it happen.
Jodi KatzOkay, so just back to Texture Style Awards for those styles who want to submit? are they submitting photos videos? What is it? What is the media that they need to give you?
Monaè EverettOh, my goodness, thanks for asking. They are submitting photos. But here's the thing, you don't even have to hire a photographer, you can take your own smartphone image, just put them on a solid background solid white, solid blue, whatever you got. This is about celebrating the hair texture. And when you go to texture style awards.com We break down the entries, we tell you step by step, how the images need to look mainly we need to see that hair texture, the final hair texture of the style, we do not care what texture they started with. But if you're entering the curly hair up, do we need to see some curly hair and an upstyle. For the competition. We make it crazy, crazy simple.
Jodi KatzOkay, I love this. And let's just talk a little bit before we close up the interview portion of the show on Monaè Life Academy because this you've been doing for quite some time. So tell me about the purposes of the Academy and who your students are.
Monaè EverettAbsolutely. So the Monaè Life Academy has been my heart's work. I work with hair stylists and makeup artists who want to get into the industry, whether that's working with celebrities or doing advertisements or working Fashion Week. And really there is no information out there for us on how to do it successfully. Like, there's this really big lie out there that no one gets paid for working at Fashion Week. And that is just absolutely not true. When you know the proper ways to present yourself, you find ways to get paid. So I help hair artists with that. And then I have my master program, Celeb Gigs Academy, that's for when you are ready to really get this career moving. You're wanting to be invited to the events. You want to be featured. You want to work with celebrities, you want to be written up in magazines, you want to do advertisements, and you are ready to put in that work and you're ready to collect some big money. That's when you come to Celeb Gigs Academy.
Jodi KatzLove it. Okay, so last question or series of questions before we go to our after show, I believe that you and I are probably equal in our ambition. So I struggle with the seduction of success, which means I get a little taste of a win. And then I want more and more and more and then I sort of like you know zero in on it and everything else sort of disappears, but I don't want that right now. Want to dynamic life? I want to spend time with my family, my dog, you know, exercise, go to the movies, go to Broadway shows, whatever it is. So how do you address and manage the seduction that comes with reaching your goals?
Monaè EverettYou said that in such a beautiful way that seduction of success, I would probably call it other things. But I think we're talking about the same thing. Honestly, I really still focus on a narrow and I would love to have a better balanced life. I'm very single and very much looking. As my dating coach is telling me clearly I need to say that because people say really weird things to you like, oh, since you're successful, you don't want to family and you don't want to do anything else. And thank you for calling out the BS that is that we want dynamic, loving lives. So what I'm doing is being more vocal about my want to have a more balanced life, making myself get up from the computer and go for a walk, getting a little exercise here and there making myself pick up the phone and call other people. I have certainly not mastered it. But I am turning my focus that way.
Jodi KatzOkay. Well, since we are going to be manifesting a lot for you today, why don't you tell us who you're looking for as a partner? Let's put it out there, Monaè.
Monaè EverettOh, Jodi, you know what, normally I would get embarrassed and literally run but I'm not because I am super single. So I would love a kind, charismatic man. He's very kind to me very understanding very supportive. I want him to have some ambitions of his own. But really appreciating my ambition as well as one who understands the value of partnership and someone who will feel like, we are both blessed to have each other.
Jodi KatzI love it. Like this is just like manifest after manifest. We're going to make all this happen. So what next in Texture Style Awards ends up as a TV show or like a Hulu show or something. And he's by your side, you'll text me okay.
Monaè EverettOh my God, you're gonna be on the other side. You know what I'm saying? The TV show and the man, I'm gonna be waiting like this. We, both of you. So perhaps…
Jodi KatzI love it. Okay, well, you send me an invite to the Style Awards in August. If I'm not around, I'm gonna ask them for my team to calm Okay. Absolutely. I'd love to have you guys there. So this wraps up our interview segment. Monaè, thank you so much for your wisdom and your vulnerability and honesty. It's so meaningful to me.
Monaè EverettAll. Thank you, Jodi. Thanks for having me. And I'm just happy to have met you and someone who shares my ambition. So you, you get it and understand.
Jodi KatzSo you just made me think of something you did with my team, which was so awesome. We did this. I think it was during COVID. Maybe we had you come I think it was two or three sessions to go really, really deep and minutiae into how to plan out photoshoot schedules for the hair, right. So especially when we're talking about textured hair, where like, we might have to work on the hair the day before the shoot, to get what we want on the shoot day. And it was so amazing. It was so technical. Right? So I mean, you are actually having to teach us almost like we're budding stylist. But we needed to know this right to make sure that we had time on set to get what we want. It was awesome.
Monaè EverettThank you. Yes, I really enjoy consulting with brands and firms. And it's so funny. It's part of my Diversity and Inclusion Initiative initiative to consult with you guys. Because we need to be hiring people who are qualified for the job. And if you don't know what makes that person qualified, that's why we keep having these advertising the bottles where the hair looks just crazy, or you know, from a production side where you end up being there for 20 hours straight. Yes, I've been on those shoots. So I'm, I'm really happy to help to make change in this industry, we're going to have better looking models, we're going to have people behind the scenes that feel better about it, we're going to have more qualified artists.
Jodi KatzSo thank you for Yeah, it was so valuable because, you know, we we make a big effort to be speedy to give the talent and the crew the time to do their job. But we're not giving nearly enough time to transition also the styles right and to plan the shoot transition from shot to shot and look to look to take you know to I guess start with the biggest and you know to keep like pulling down the style into what it's going to form you know, in the shot five or six and it was instrumental in the way that we planned shoots and an incredible education and we recorded and we go back to it all the time because it's very valuable to us.
Monaè EverettOh yeah, for sure. I'm so happy to hear that. Yeah, I think hair is the exact opposite of makeup. For makeup the simpler you build, and for hair it's like the most extravagant and coming down for the most part.
Jodi KatzWell, thank you for that and any, any brands or businesses that you know like you really need to invest in this guidance with Monaè because it you know we're not I'm not a hairstylist no one on my team is in here says we have to hire the talent and the crew that's you know, experienced here but we have to prep with them as well. We can't just expect them to show up on set with parameters are not conducive to creating success, so call Monaè.
Monaè EverettAbsolutely. Thank you. And you know, the truth of the matter is there's only X amount of hours you want to film in a day 810 or 12. And we get that things can take longer, but there are ways to work with your crew to ensure everybody gets the best result. And why should you keep hiring hairstylists, you have to fit everything in and then the hair doesn't look right at the end. We don’t…
Jodi KatzYeah, we don't want to be retouching bad hair. We want good hair.
Monaè EverettExactly.
Jodi KatzThats, our philosophy is like the most minimal retouching and the only things we ever do is like if there's like a hair in the middle of someone's face, you know, like that just couldn't get out of the way. We'll take that out. But we really work hard as a team to show humans being humans, but we need great looking hair on set to be able to achieve that.
Monaè EverettAbsolutely. A baseball bat has done such a great job with your behind the scenes diversity and it shows in your work. So I'm just happy that I had a small part to do. Thank you.
Jodi KatzOkay, we have a few minutes left for found questions. Maybe we can get to three questions is oh, this is a really good one. Can you talk about a winner from last touched the first inaugural texture awards?
Monaè EverettYeah. So okay, one of the winners that is coming to mind. Sandra Henry. She won wavy hair stylists of the year she has gone on to start her own educational program. She has been featured in multiple different magazines. We had Joy Williams, who won new hair stylists of the year, she is killing it doing beauty pageants, and she has done I think like the last two or three Miss USA is like the actual winners at the competition and does press with them. And she said it really jumped started her career, mainly the press and not to mention the 1000s of dollars and products and tools. When you want to be a great artist that can be expensive. You don't always have the money. So this is just a way to kick, kick start.
Jodi KatzYeah, I love that. If you could invent one hair product, what would it be? For tool children?
Monaè EverettWhy your questions so good, Jodi, I would say one hair product, something that allowed your hair to go from dry to wet and back in minutes. I'm talking like under 10 minutes and keep keep the curl pattern. So I know we have blow dryers, but I'm talking something where you can just wet it back in the curl pattern come back. Because when you wet down curly hair, you dry it straight, wet it down, and then you wet it. When the curl comes back. It's not clumped, it's not as warm it looks more like autos and noodles instead of beautiful, luscious curls.
Jodi KatzOkay, so get working on that Monaè. That's the next thing in your toolbox to develop. Okay, so last question. Okay, this is really good. What advice would you give to someone just getting into the hair world? Like one piece of advice?
Monaè EverettOh, the biggest piece of advice I would give is continued learning trust and believe you don't know, a twentieth of what you need to know. Remember, God gave you two ears, two eyes and one mouth for a reason. And I'm going to expand on that. If your first thought is no, it's not one mouth. He gave me two lips. That means you have to learn to put your ego aside and listen more. That is your indicator right there that you talk to.
Jodi KatzOh my God, this is so great. I want that to be an mornings quote when we promote her episode, even though it's an after show. I need it as her quote because it is so genius.
Monaè EverettYes, that reality and mommy knows this to be true because that was always my thought. And I had to learn to check that ego. I don't know everything. Even if I know it, they may know it better.
Jodi KatzThank you for sharing that this has been so much fun. This is our 235th Episode Monaè, thank you for joining us. Thank you so much for having me. And for our listeners. If you'd like this episode, please rate and review and as always, make sure you follow us on your favorite podcast platform and Instagram to stay up to date on upcoming episodes and all the fun we have along the way. Monaè, thank you for joining us. I'm super excited to share your wisdom with our fans.
Monaè EverettThank you. I can't wait for this episode to come out. See you soon.
Jodi KatzBye, everybody.
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