She always brings the energy, whether it’s onstage singing or educating spectators for HydraFacial. Training and Education Manager Kim Bogash is very comfortable being in the center spotlight.
She’s a highly accomplished and trained esthetician with over ten years of experience in making skin glow. Her journey into the beauty industry started off as a makeup artist and eventually she found herself at a desk coordinating job in a dermatology office. It is there where she realized her love for skincare and immediately decided to go to esthetics school. Fast forward 10 years later, with various jobs in between, Kim found herself at a HydraFacial on the road training program and knew this is where she wanted to be. Two years later, she applied for a job there and got it!
Tune in to hear more about her pitstops along the way to HydraFacial, how she deals with work/life balance and more information about one of the most powerful, non-invasive skin resurfacing treatments available today.

Jodi Katz | Hi, Where Brains Meet Beauty family. I am over the moon excited to introduce you to our summer sponsor, GRIN. My team at Base Beauty uses the GRIN creator management platform every day. It’s an incredible tool. Let me tell you why we love it and why you need it. So, your team already works with influencers, but they’re probably getting lost in spreadsheets and busy work. They’re combing through a messy web of communications and content your creators post, wondering if the campaigns are actually delivering a return on your investment. Well, that’s where GRIN comes in. GRIN is the number one creator management platform, helping ecommerce brands connect with their audience through the power of creator partnerships. It’s an all-in-one software. It allows you to treat your creators like your brand revolves around them, because in the creator economy, it does. My team loves that GRIN has project management tools that provide for a seamless workflow. Thousands upon thousands of creators already live on GRIN, so it’s super easy to meet and build organic relationships with them, track the metrics of their content, and pay them all in one platform. Find out how GRIN can help you grow your brand. Watch the demo at grin.co. That’s G-R-I-N.C-O. Hi, Esperanza. |
Esperanza Rosenbaum | Hi, Jodi. How are you? |
Jodi Katz | I’m great because I love skincare and aesthetics. |
Esperanza Rosenbaum | I know you are. I definitely consider you a skincare girl. |
Jodi Katz | Yeah. I’m not like, very much into my hair. You know, I’ll wash it, maybe sometimes dry it. I love it when other people do it. But I’m really happy when I’m in a skincare place. |
Esperanza Rosenbaum | Absolutely. I mean, you know I’m a makeup girl. But of course, I do love taking care of my skin as well. |
Jodi Katz | So today’s guest is really exciting because she is a training director at HydraFacial, and HydraFacial has basically taken the world by storm. |
Esperanza Rosenbaum | Yeah. I’m super jealous. I really want to try HydraFacial. I heard that you did? |
Jodi Katz | Yeah. I’ve done it a few times. And what’s great about the process from my perspective, in addition to whatever the skin health benefits are, is that at the end of your procedure, the esthetician will show you this little canister of gunk that they removed from your skin surface and your pores, and it is fascinating. If you’re someone who likes watching pimple popping and all that gross stuff, then it’s really your jam. |
Esperanza Rosenbaum | Yeah. I mean, it’s kind of gross, but I definitely understand why it’s so satisfying. |
Jodi Katz | Well, let’s get into the episode so everyone can learn about Kim and why her career in esthetics and HydraFacial are so fascinating. |
Esperanza Rosenbaum | Absolutely. So without further ado, I’d really love to introduce our guest today, Kim Bogash. She’s the training and education manager at the HydraFacial company. I hope you guys enjoy the episode. |
Jodi Katz | Welcome to Where Brains Meet Beauty. So I’d like to introduce you all to our third guest in this Artistry quarter. She’s a highly accomplished and trained esthetician with over 10 years of experience in making skin glow. She comes to us from HydraFacial. I mean, everyone’s heard of HydraFacial. HydraFacial, the skin resurfacing treatment that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, and hydration. And we’re so excited to learn more about her and HydraFacial. Please welcome Kim Bogash, training and education manager at the HydraFacial company. |
Kim Bogash | Oh my gosh, thank you. What an intro! I don’t even know what I could say to possibly—that was wonderful, thank you. You made me sound fantastic. |
Jodi Katz | Well, I am so excited to have you on the show. I got my first HydraFacial many years ago, I guess. I mean, how old is the company? |
Kim Bogash | We have been around for 23 years. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. It wasn’t 23 years ago. But I’d say it was like five years ago. And still felt new to me at the time. I mean, I feel like the growth of your company has gone crazy, amazing. And then recently, Andrew took over as CEO. And I messaged him on LinkedIn. I’m like, “I want someone from your team on my show.” And then he put us together. So I’m super excited about that. |
Kim Bogash | Aw, that’s so great. It’s exciting to be a part of the company. And you’re right. It has grown astronomically in the past 23 years, of course, but just in the past even two years that I’ve been with this company, it’s grown a lot, and I’m really excited to be a part of it, to see and be a part of a lot of the things that we are creating for our providers, for our consumers out there too. So watch out for big things to come. |
Jodi Katz | Oh, and also J.Lo. |
Kim Bogash | Also J.Lo. Not that that’s a big thing or not, but yeah. The J.Lo. That’s gonna be really exciting for us. I’m so—I mean, the J.Lo glow itself has huge recognition. Even towards somebody who doesn’t really follow skincare, when they see the opportunity to get that J.Lo glow, that’s gonna do a lot for us. |
Jodi Katz | I’m so excited to watch the trajectory of this company, and I’m so glad that you and I are connected. I am not a professional skincare provider. I’m a beauty marketer. But I spend a lot of time in esthetics at my day job, Base Beauty. So all day long, I get the privilege of talking to people who are trained like you, Kim, and it’s so fun. It’s the place to be. Pro skincare is the best. |
Kim Bogash | Mm-hmm. It’s a lot of fun. And I’m sure we’ll get into a little more about the things that I love about the industry. But I really just, in a nutshell, love helping people to feel better about themselves and to help people walk into their day-to-day lives, whether it be a routine that we start for them, just feeling just a little bit more pep in their step, feeling like they can present themselves with just a bit more confidence, is probably one of the most rewarding things about my job. |
Jodi Katz | Well, we’re gonna focus on you and your career journey. But before I jump into my favorite question, I just have to say, one of my favorite parts about a HydraFacial is seeing all the gunk in the canister afterwards. Can you just—for people who don’t even know what I’m talking about, can you just explain this to everybody? |
Kim Bogash | I would love nothing more than to do that for you right now. So, the great thing about when you get just any esthetic facial is when you get up and you feel super clean and glowy. HydraFacial takes that up a notch. And you feel super great and glowy after everything is said and done. But after you get up from the table, we’re like, “By the way, we want to bring it back home and show you this jar of gunk that we have removed from your face, from your pores, from your skin. Just when you thought that everything was clean, we’re here just to bring you back down a notch, if you will.” And there is blackheads and oil and dirt and debris. Dead skin comes off of there. And it’s all just floating around in this little gunky jar. And estheticians are an interesting breed. We’re always like, “That’s really yummy” when we see it. And the more that’s in there, the more exciting and gratifying it is for us. So that’s everything that’s in the gunky. And we actually have a newer device called the Syndeo, and our gunky now has a light underneath it, and then there’s a magnifying lens. So if you liked the gunky jar before, now it’s light enough, and put a magnifying lens, so everything looks bigger and brighter. |
Jodi Katz | I do love it. And I think people start to notice kind of old makeup debris too in there, right? You think you’re getting your face clean at night, right? You think you cleanse in a multitude of ways, but there’s just like old stuff. It’s so exciting. |
Kim Bogash | It is so exciting. And I’m that person who double cleanses at night, and I still go back and do just a quick toner. And it’s still shocking to me how there’s still stuff coming off my face. So it’s like, did you ever watch Zoolander? So that movie, where he’s going in and he’s cleaning all of his face from all of the—what’s the cave that he’s in? All of the coal mines that he’s in. That’s what I feel like when I wash my face. I’m like, I take good care of my skin. Why is there still stuff coming off? |
Jodi Katz | Yeah. It’s so satisfying. We’re gonna have a lot of fun talking about your career journey. So we’re gonna start with my favorite question. I love to talk about what our career dreams were when we were kids, because this is a career journey show. So let’s go back in time to your 11-year-old self. What do you want to be when you grow up? |
Kim Bogash | When I was 11 years old, was that fifth grade? I should know. I have a 10-year-old. |
Jodi Katz | Yeah, around fifth grade. Mm-hmm. |
Kim Bogash | Yeah. So fifth grade, maybe going into sixth grade, I wanted to be a pop star, so. I wanted to be a singer. And that was not—I think it was before Britney Spears, and Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera really hit the scene. It was not long after that that they came on. But I really wanted to be a pop star. I wanted to also—that kind of transitioned into me wanting to be on Broadway. I just loved to sing. So that was what I did. That was what I wanted. |
Jodi Katz | And are you a good singer? Are you— |
Kim Bogash | I think I am. I don’t want to toot my own horn, but toot toot. I took voice lessons. I took professional voice lessons for about seven years. I took opera lessons for about two years as well. And then I performed in our musical theater class when I was in high school. And so, yeah, I actually tried out for some TV shows too. I tried out for American Idol and The Voice. Fortunately, me being in Atlanta, Georgia, a lot of these shows come through. So many moons ago, I was that person waiting outside, sleeping on my book bag, trying to break it down to a Whitney Houston song. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. We need to press pause on the other questions and dig in deep here. So you go to audition for The Voice. Do you actually make it into a room? What was this like? |
Kim Bogash | So, there’s a lot of stages before you get in front of Adam and all of them. You can’t just walk in off the street and get on the big stage where the chairs turn. I waited outside for a little while. We were at this—waiting around in Atlanta. It’s called the AmericasMart. And waited in line for a little while. And then all of a sudden, the doors open, and it’s just like a bum rush, where everyone starts running in to make it to the front of the line. And then you just go from one room to the next until they push you in to meet with whatever people are at just the random card table that are going to audition you. I am a very talkative person, and I do well when I connect with other people around me. And I made friends with this really cute girl named Cara, and she was really nervous about singing her song. And I was like, “Well, why don’t we go into the bathroom. Great acoustics in there. And you sing your song, I’ll give you my two cents, if you’ll let me do the same for you.” And so, we had this really fun group of girls all in the bathroom just belting it out in the middle of the AmericasMart while we were all just practicing. I’m pretty sure a few people knocked on the door and they were like, “You guys need to keep it down. It sounds great, but you guys need to keep it down in there.” And then you audition as a group. So you don’t all go in and just—it’s not like Pitch Perfect where everybody knows all the song at the same time. That would be really cool, to live that life. But everybody goes in with a group of 10. And then they just invite you up one at a time to sing your 20 or 30 seconds of your song. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. So you have a small audience of a few judges and then nine of your peers who are trying out. And are you allowed to pick what song you sing? |
Kim Bogash | Yes. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. What did you sing? |
Kim Bogash | I sang “I Want to Dance With Somebody.” |
Jodi Katz | Oh, what a good song. |
Kim Bogash | Yeah. It’s upbeat. I tend to lean towards ballads. But I feel like as I’ve gotten older, I have to think about what the audience will remember. And I feel like an upbeat song will be more exciting than me trying to croon them and make them cry a little bit. So something fun is always more exciting for them. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. And you get 20 seconds. So do you start at the beginning of the song? Do you start in the middle? How do you strategize that? |
Kim Bogash | So I started at the very beginning of it, which may have not been the best point, because it goes, “The clock strikes upon the hour,” and then you just kind of build up from there. I probably could’ve started at just the line before “I want to dance with somebody,” just to kind of give myself just enough to build off of. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. So, number one, that was so cool to hear you sing. |
Kim Bogash | Oh! Thank you. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. So you did this, you had your 20 seconds, and then what happens? |
Kim Bogash | They said, “Number two, you were great. Number five, you were great. Everybody else, thank you so much for coming. Number two and number five are gonna stay. The door is that way for everybody else. Goodbye. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” It wasn’t like that, but it was like, “Everybody else can go.” So, all of that running and line waiting and singing in the bathroom built up to about 20 seconds of nerves. |
Jodi Katz | Do you have any regrets? |
Kim Bogash | No regrets. It’s so fun. It’s so fun just to go there. I mean, you lose a day. But I feel like that day was just really fun, to meet other like-minded people who like to perform. I loved meeting that little group of girls. We’re actually all still friends on Facebook, which is really fun. Every year, this one picture of all of us together will pop up in the bathroom at AmericasMart all trying to sing together. And it’s just really exciting to have that memory forever. |
Jodi Katz | Well, I have to say, Kim, this career aspiration is a straight line to being in the training team of a big skincare company. You’re in front of people all the time performing in your day job. This is totally tied to your aspirations. |
Kim Bogash | Well, thank—you know what? And I have had people talk to me about my Instagrams, and I do all the funny reels. And they’re like, “It’s because of your drama background that you can pick up on those things so quickly.” So I think you’re right. I just—being in front of people doesn’t really scare me. |
Jodi Katz | And you’re—I mean, you’re so great to listen to. So you’re engaging your audience, you’re thinking about your audience. You’re not just sharing information, but you’re really capturing energy, right, and sharing energy. And that’s what makes a great trainer, right? I mean, stuff could be pretty dull at times, right? You’re probably talking about some things that like, while I love the gunk, there’s probably some things that are not as dramatic as the gunk in your trainings. |
Kim Bogash | Right. |
Jodi Katz | And you have to hold the interest of your audience and make them feel like they’re part of it. |
Kim Bogash | Exactly. And you said it right there, is holding the interest of your audience. So I think a big part of that is knowing your audience and who’s on the other side. So maybe if I’m in a jazz bar for some reason, if at some point in my life, I find myself with the opportunity to sing at a jazz bar, that would be a great time to sing a ballad. But if I’m trying to get people to remember, “You know that girl that sang that really great Whitney Houston song? I remember I was dancing.” Then they’ll say, “Oh, that was Kim. That was the girl in pink.” So, it’s doing things where people can remember you by and the energy that you bring, and knowing who you want to kind of tailor your conversation to or your song to. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. So we know you wanted to be a famous singer. But you found your way into beauty. How did that happen? |
Kim Bogash | So this goes back a little bit for me, Jodi. My mawmaw—so that’s how Southern I am. I have a mawmaw. And she was a cosmetologist. She did hair, so I grew up in a hair salon smelling perms. And my sister—I know. It’s actually a soothing smell for me, and it’s hard to come—people don’t do them anymore. But when someone smells—if I walk past a salon and I smell a perm, it’s just—it’s very nostalgic for me. |
Jodi Katz | Oh, it’s such a scent memory for you. |
Kim Bogash | It is. It is. It brings me back. The olfactory just gets excited. My sister is actually a cosmetologist as well. And she was a cosmetology instructor too. So I’m not that great with hair. But I did love doing makeup. And so, I found myself doing makeup for weddings, for girls’ nights out. And flash forward to right around 2008, I found myself doing—I was a front desk coordinator for a big dermatology office in Atlanta. And they had a big esthetics department. And I was like, ooh, what’s going on in there? This is exciting. I hear lasers beeping and things smell chemically, and this is exciting. So I kind of poked my head in there. And it all seemed very thrilling. And I watched everybody walk out, maybe a little rosy, maybe a little puffy, or just beautifully glowy from whatever treatment they had. And I was like, this is where I want to be. So I already had that beauty background with my grandmother and my sister being in cosmetology. And I think that the skincare is where I bloomed. So I eventually transitioned into working for the esthetics side of the office, and started esthetics school right then and there. My husband was very supportive. And he was like, “If this is something that you like, you’ve got to go right into esthetics school and get it going.” So I was going to school, working there full-time, and I was in night school just like, plugging away. So 2008 was when it officially started. |
Jodi Katz | And the esthetics practice you were working at, were they supportive of you getting your license? |
Kim Bogash | Absolutely. So, I was able to kind of on the sly, do a little bit of homework on the side. Let’s be honest. I was in my early twenties. I was able to kind of multitask a little bit. The way that everything was laid out at this office, their consult area was right next to where the desk was. So I was able to eventually take over consultations from the desk. And because I had listened, observed a lot of the other estheticians and their consultations, how they would prescribe certain treatment plans according to what their patient’s or client’s needs were. So I just started picking up on the language, what solution would go for what concerns this person had, and kind of took over consultations from there, help out. And they were really excited that I had that enthusiasm for it, so they were all for it. I remember when I got my license, the practice administrator was like, “Well, I’m gonna take you to dinner.” And we all went to this really fun little dinner, me and my best friend. And it was just really nice to get a little—not recognition, but support. Because right after I got my license, they’re like, “Great, you’re in the treatment room. Go. Have a good time.” |
Jodi Katz | That’s such a great story. And I’d love it if our listeners can use their comments, use the comments area in the conversation to write about what prompted them to go to school to get their license. Because I think the most fascinating part of our journeys are those moments that we’re inspired to shift gears, right, and take on a risk. So please share your comments. I’ll read through them and share them with Kim as we go through the conversation. But I love that you had this job, and you smelled the chemical smell, that was meaningful to you. I’m wondering what the smells were that you were smelling. Because obviously, smells in a beauty environment were meaningful to you, thanks to the perms. |
Kim Bogash | Well, and I think that that’s what it was, again, is me being just so acclimated to smelling perms and chemicals and things like that. It was honestly chemical peels. I think it was probably phenol, if I’m being honest. Fenal is in a lot more of medium depth chemical peels. So I think that that smell just kind of radiated through the office. And I was like, oh, this—what is that smell doing for people? That’s exciting. So a lot of people would get turned off from it. But I’m like, ooh, I love it! Put it on me. |
Jodi Katz | How would you describe the smell of phenol? |
Kim Bogash | It’s pungent. Pungent and I guess bitter would be another way to describe it too. Pungent, a little bit bitter, and it’s just—it’s a very strong chemical. Definitely one of those that unless you’re used to smelling it, you definitely want to waft. Oh, hospital smell, is what somebody said. |
Jodi Katz | Mm. Okay. So I would know if it was used on me. I would remember that? |
Kim Bogash | Yeah. Well, and you would feel it too, more than anything. |
Jodi Katz | Oh. |
Kim Bogash | It’s definitely not something that’s typically in a lot of daily skincare products. It wouldn’t be in any over-the-counter products either. You would find it either in definitely a more professional treatment experience. So there was a chemical peel in particular that I did that had phenol in it. Phenol’s a numbing agent. So it basically numbs it, so yeah. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. Love this segue. And I also want people to put in the chat, if Kim could sing a song for us now, what song would you want her to sing? So I’m not gonna make you sing. I’m just curious to know, after hearing that little bit of Whitney Houston, what people want to hear from Kim. Maybe you’ll do that on your reels for us at a later date. |
Kim Bogash | Oh, maybe so, yes. I know that original audio is trending right now, so let me just hop on that bandwagon. |
Jodi Katz | I cannot contribute to this because I have an awful voice, but I will listen. Okay, let’s skip ahead. You got your license. How did you find HydraFacial? How did HydraFacial find you? |
Kim Bogash | So, I started working for a practice, it was a plastic surgeon practice, in about—I think it was 2018. And right after I started, my manager was like, “Hey, there is a HydraFacial on the road training that’s coming through Atlanta. They hardly ever go on the road. So you should register to go.” And the truth of the matter is, that was the very first HydraFacial training on the road. It was calld HFX On the Road. So I went, not knowing that this was such a tremendous opportunity to be a part of the first program. And I—my face hurt after the end of that training because I was so smiley and happy just being there and being present in it. They covered all of these different things, like how to build your business, best practices when you’re doing the treatment. Here are some great tips and tricks for social media. And I was just in there. I think I filled an entire notebook worth of notes because I was just scribbling everything down. It was a training like none other. And then that’s actually where I met Joanna, who is now my boss. And I met her. I met a lot of the different training team that was there. And that’s actually where I got my very first HydraFacial. So I got my very first HydraFacial at HFX On the Road in Atlanta in front of a group of about 50 people. So, no pressure, but this is happening in front of a big group of people. That was here I kind of got turned on. And then I guess it was 2020, so during the pandemic, the opportunity arose for—I think they advertised it as a training/social media on LinkedIn. And so, I was like, well, I do—at the time, I was a faculty trainer for Allergan. And I had done a little bit of work there. I had been doing a lot of social media. And my social media is all self-taught. So I applied, and Joanna was like, “I remember you from Atlanta.” And that’s my story. |
Jodi Katz | Wow. That’s amazing. |
Kim Bogash | Yeah. So, it was fun. It was very thorough. It was the most thorough interview process. And I liked how it challenged me, because I had to create videos, and I met with some people from the executive team and talked about some of the things that I’d like to educate on. Like social media-wise, what can I teach other people? So it was nice to challenge myself. It’s like, these are things that I actually know, and this is information that I would like other people—that I would like to share with other people, because social media, specifically for estheticians, it’s so huge for the beauty and health industry, that having someone who taught themselves how to do it guide you through the process and show them literally, if I can do this, anybody can, and just give them that empowerment, was really exciting to share that with people. |
Jodi Katz | Well, now I actually want to shift the conversation a bit, Kim, to a subject matter that’s really important to me. And I actually just launched a book on the subject matter of the seduction of success in our career. So, I like my job. I love being in the beauty industry. I love the wellness industry. And growing my business is so seductive. It calls my name in the middle of the night, right? It inspires me to keep pushing harder and farther. But at the same time, I want to lead in business, but I want to live my life beyond work too. So it’s a question I ask all of my guests now, how do you define success today? |
Kim Bogash | How do I define success today? I think ultimately, hm. Success is honestly just being—is loving what you do. So, I have been fortunate in my career to have always loved what I do and being a great example to my two daughters of being that working mom, and being able to give back. Now that I’ve transitioned out of treating clients on a day-to-day basis, and now I’m building up other estheticians so that they can go and bloom in their treatment rooms an become fantastic people treating other people and growing on social media. And for me, it’s just really exciting to watch this whole new family of the world grow, because I’m able to help them get there. So that for me is my success. |
Jodi Katz | And in your career, especially as nimble as you are on social media, do you feel seduced by success? For instance, those viewer numbers climbing, those fan numbers climbing, the engagement data climbing. Is there a bit of a seduction there? |
Kim Bogash | You know, I heard you ask this question yesterday, and I cheated and I thought about it a little bit. And social media-wise, it can easily—you can easily get sucked in and go down the rabbit hole and want to be that person who is a major influencer that millions of followers. And you want to get thousands of views. You definitely beat yourself up if that reel or video didn’t get a lot of likes or get a lot of views. And for me, that doesn’t—I just—I don’t let that bother me anymore. I put my content out there. If it takes off, fantastic. If it doesn’t, that’s fine too. I think that the information that I’m putting out there for people is valuable. And sometimes I’m putting something out there because it looked like fun. So it’s partially for me, a lot for people to learn from and reshare. So I try not to let those things get to me. When I did before let it really consume me, that was when impostor syndrome really set in. And I was like, “Oh, if I’m not—if I don’t have 10,000 followers, if I don’t have 20,000 followers, I am not successful. And what am I doing this all for anyways?” But now I feel like, so long as I see that other people are finding value in my content, I’m doing a good job. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. So let’s dive a little deeper into the where you were before, where it felt very personal, right, to not achieve the number of shares or saves or whatnot you were looking for. You turned a corner to saying, “It’s okay.” |
Kim Bogash | Mm-hmm. |
Jodi Katz | How did you do that? Because that’s really hard for people, to look at themselves differently that way. |
Kim Bogash | You know, I just realized there was a lot of other things going on. You said it yourself, that you don’t want to let success seduce you and completely consume your life, control your life. So I was like, listen, I’ve got a family that I have to be a mom and a wife for. I have my personal health, my personal mental health, that I have to focus on. So I don’t want to say that I simply turned it off. But looking back, I think that that’s what I had to do to not let it completely control me. So I was like, listen, when I start going through that dead scroll where I’m like, “Well, this person’s getting this many likes, and this person’s getting this many views,” I am just going to go to my next project for work, or I’m gonna go downstairs and work out a little bit, or I’m gonna make myself some cookies. Just distract. Because these are things that I need to do. Maybe not making cookies is something that I need to do, but it sure is a good distraction. So I just—I found other things to focus my energy on. |
Jodi Katz | That’s amazing advice. And there’s a part of me, Kim, that really wants to play this game, right, of—I mean, there’s a lot of me that doesn’t. But there’s a little part of me that wants to put these stories out there. But the idea of having—well, now another job, right, because I already have a full-time job and a side hustle and a whatnot—it just sort of exhausts me before I even get farther. I know—I mean, I’m in the business of marketing. I know how hard these people work to make it a full-time job. And this idea of taking all my thoughts that are on the inside and making them outside thoughts, and that’s a summary by Julia for my team, that to me feels excruciating. So this is not the right realm for me. |
Kim Bogash | I know it’s a lot to try and put yourself completely out there. I mean, in that respect, I do have two separate Instagram accounts. So I have my one personal account. If you—I mean, it’s very interesting to me, it’s very interesting to my family. And that is where a good chunk of my energy goes, is just me posting pictures of my family and things that I do outside of the HydraFacial world. So you’ll see a ton of pictures of my two daughters. You’ll see pictures of my dog Chewy. And that is kind of what I go to where I’m like, “Listen. I’m going down the rabbit hole again, Kim. You’re looking at other people’s views. You’re comparing, which isn’t a healthy practice. So let me cut back to what’s important right now, which is these other things.” So it’s just easy for me to kind of split. That’s where I put my other thoughts too. So I don’t put all of my thoughts out for the world, but just some of the time. The Head to Toe by KimBo will get some of my thoughts, and then my personal Instagram gets my personal thoughts, so. |
Jodi Katz | I love it. I think it’s great guidance, and I’m sure a lot of the other estes listening who are building their personal brands and personal businesses can use some of that advice, because for a lot of these people, they might be the sole owners of a small company that’s just them, right? So if they’re not putting out a message, there’s no message going out, right? So they have to make the correlation between how much of themselves do they put out there to drive their business growth, and then how do they protect their mental health and the rest of their time? |
Kim Bogash | Yeah. And the thing is, it’s important to take time away. And I, for the most part, try to not do a whole lot of stuff on my Head to Toe by KimBo page on the weekends. So Saturdays and Sundays, unless it’s something that I previously created, and I was like, this is really not—this is just a silly post. I save the silly posts for the weekends. And so, I’ve already created the whole video or static post. I’ve already created the caption. So I’m usually the first person awake in my house. So I’ll usually roll over Saturday, Sunday. I’m like, “Okay, you know what? Now that nobody is awake, I’ll post really quick and then enjoy the rest of my day.” So it took maybe three seconds, but I do that, I close that, and I try not to do anything else from there. Just unplug a little bit sometimes. It’s like exercise. I feel like you’re not supposed to do the same thing every single day. You’re supposed to change it up for your body’s health and so that you can continue to grow. So that for me is like my mental growth. Do it five days a week, and then Saturday and Sunday, if you can just turn off for a little bit or for a day or two, just turn off for a little bit, it’s just good for—it’s good for you, which is gonna make it good for everybody. |
Jodi Katz | Kim, thank you so much for your wisdom there. I’m so excited that all these estheticians and small esthetic business owners are hearing this advice. So thank you so much for inspiring us with your answers. And for our listeners, I hope you enjoyed this interview with Kim. Please subscribe to our series on your favorite podcast app. And for updates about the show, follow us on Instagram @wherebrainsmeetbeauty podcast. |