Episode 149: Paige Novick, Founder of Paige Novick Jewelry and Lifestyle


Studying in Paris, Paige Novick, founder of Paige Novick Jewelry and Lifestyle, stumbled into an internship with Karl Lagerfeld at Chanel that anyone in the fashion world would have killed for. It started a series of events—most fortunate, some unfortunate—that led to her rich and rewarding business that embraces fine jewelry, the power of crystals and a more mindful lifestyle. She shares many thoughts on being open to opportunities and going with the flow as you navigate life’s zigs and zags


Announcer | Welcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY® hosted by Jodi Katz, founder and creative director of Base Beauty Creative Agency. |
Jodi Katz | Hey there, it's Jodi Katz, your host of WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY® Podcast. Thanks so much for tuning in. This episode was one of the last ones that we recorded at our studio in New York City before the Corona Virus sent us all home. Moving forward, we will record our new episodes virtually because we do believe the show must go on. This week's episode features, Paige Novick. She is the owner and founder of Paige Novick Fine Jewelry and Lifestyle. And if you missed last week's episode, it featured David Pirrotta. He is the founder and CEO of David Pirrotta Brands. Hope you enjoy the episode. Hey everybody, welcome back to the show. I am so happy to be sitting across from Paige Novick. She is the owner and founder of Paige Novick Fine Jewelry and Lifestyle. Thanks for coming here today. Welcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY®. |
Paige Novick | Thank you so much. It's so great to be here. |
Jodi Katz | So, I have a Paige Novick story. So I think, many years ago when I was 23 years old, I worked at a nightlife startup website in the Flatiron area of New York City. And I'm pretty sure that we interviewed Paige or... |
Paige Novick | So funny. |
Jodi Katz | ... something... |
Paige Novick | Yeah. That was the early days, chapter one. |
Jodi Katz | When I saw your name pop up on our roster for the show, I was so excited. So, let's go back in time because you didn't start in beauty and I want everyone to hear your story. So, your story actually started in fashion. So tell us about that. |
Paige Novick | Sure. Well, I was a French Language and Literature Major, studying at the Sorbonne in Paris, when a friend asked me on a whim, if I could take over his internship at Chanel. We... And so I did. And it was... I was bitten by the fashion bug and- |
Jodi Katz | Wait can we just press pause in a second. |
Paige Novick | Of course. |
Jodi Katz | So he had an internship in Chanel and he said, "Oh Chanel, sorry I can't be here but I'm going to send my friend instead." |
Paige Novick | Yeah. That was basically what happened, which of course today would never be the case. But back then, it was seamless. And so I said, "Sure, why not?" I showed up and I was of course the lowest level assistant to the assistant. But I did spend my day alongside Karl Lagerfeld, who spoke seven languages fluently and was the most intimidating human. But I was bitten by the fashion bug. Both my parents were in fashion, so it was kind of in my DNA already. |
Jodi Katz | In what way were they in fashion? |
Paige Novick | My father, who's deceased, was in textiles and later had a home furnishing store and my mother is a fine jeweler, sells privately. |
Jodi Katz | Oh, that's cool. |
Paige Novick | Yeah. But I was going on a different trajectory. I was full-on French Language Literature. I thought I'd work for the UN as an interpreter, but veered off in a different direction. |
Jodi Katz | What was that internship like? |
Paige Novick | It was overwhelming. It was really just... When I think back, I mean the memories are so vivid, just being in that space, how opulent, and it was incredibly intimidating and overwhelming, but also unbelievably inspiring. |
Jodi Katz | And what sort of tasks did you have at that time? |
Paige Novick | Oh, I had to dress the models. I had to take out the stockings and make coffee, all the stuff that you do. But it didn't matter, I was... I would have done anything. I was just there amongst the genius. |
Jodi Katz | And at that time, we didn't have the internet and social media, right? |
Paige Novick | Yeah. |
Jodi Katz | This was a completely different world back then. |
Paige Novick | Exactly. |
Jodi Katz | How were you able to share your excitement about this job with your friends? |
Paige Novick | I think just the way we used to, on the phone. Remember those days when we spoke on the telephone. And letters and just in person meeting in a cafe and... I mean it was just really exciting. |
Jodi Katz | Did you have a network of friends who were fashion interns in Paris? |
Paige Novick | No, not really. Because we were all students and we were all doing our own things, and so it was kind of an anomaly but it was really amazing. And little did I know that that would inform sort of the rest of my career. |
Jodi Katz | I had an internship in advertising and obviously this is my day job now. And I actually learned a lot at that place, even though my job was just to make dubs of videos, tapes, I was just pressing record on a video machine that doesn't even exist anymore. But there were so many lessons I learned there. And one of them was, never saying, no. Finding a way to say, yes, even if it's not the client's intended first path. |
Paige Novick | I love that. |
Jodi Katz | What was something that you learned in the internship that you still leverage today? |
Paige Novick | Well, one of the things was just really being true to yourself and... Karl Lagerfeld, was so... Such a visionary and so singular. And just being around that energy and that creativity, was just inspiring in and of itself. But to your point about not saying no, that's something that's very much a part of my DNA as well. Because having no formal design background, my training, again, being more academic, I never heard, no. I didn't have any preconceived notions of how to design. So, I kind of designed from the gut and no was not an option. We can do this. There was no reason not to try. |
Jodi Katz | Right. I think there's so many people in business who are... They don't... They're not even aware of their habit of saying, no, we're not going to try that. No, we've tried that before. No, we're not going to do this. No, it didn't work last time. Right? There's so many, no's. |
Paige Novick | Always. And you know what? If you approach things creatively and think outside of the box, there are always answers. There are always options and always answers. You just have to be... Remain open and fluid and quite honestly, get out of your own way. |
Jodi Katz | Right. |
Paige Novick | That's what I found. If I get out of my own way, the answer is there. |
Jodi Katz | We can see that with clients, the ones that work in... Some clients that work in a more corporate or a classic environment. It's so hard for them to say yes, because... Of course you've tried it all before, but you didn't try it all exactly the same way. You didn't try it all in exactly the same moment, right? |
Paige Novick | Exactly. |
Jodi Katz | So, I feel like that's what the larger strategic organizations really desire. Is this ability to educate their team that they can say, yes, and they can try things. It's just so hard for people who are so used to saying, no. |
Paige Novick | Of course, it's like a muscle that you have to flex. If you're not used to that, it's very hard if you're used to working within certain parameters. But for me, I haven't.. I've never met a box. For me, I benefit from working a little more inside the box. |
Jodi Katz | Oh, that's so interesting. So, you had your internship in Chanel, at that moment you're like, "Okay, I'm not going to be a translator at the UN anymore. I'm absolutely going to pursue fashion." |
Paige Novick | Well, I actually had to come back to New York because there was chaos in Paris at the time with bomb threats. So, came back to New York thinking that I would go back to Paris to return to work, to study, take graduate classes. But then while I was home, I was just looking through different ads in the newspaper for jobs and I came across something for hair accessories. And I didn't even really know what that was at the time but I took the interview just on a whim. And the owner happened to be French, so he loved the fact that I spoke French, didn't care that I had never designed a hair accessory or even knew what it was. And so I got the job. |
Jodi Katz | You got the job designing hair accessories? |
Paige Novick | Designing hair accessories for big multi-brand massive retailer. I was 24, they made me creative director. And- |
Jodi Katz | Wait. You didn't know how to design hair accessories. You never designed hair accessories. You didn't go to school for designing hair accessories. |
Paige Novick | I didn't even wear hair accessories. But here's a funny story, sidebar. When I lived in Paris, I was for a hot minute, a hair accessory model for this company, Alexandre de Paris. So, that was my only access to hair accessories. And that was, I guess, enough for him at the time. |
Jodi Katz | Well, isn't that amazing what an internship at Chanel can do for you? |
Paige Novick | Unbelievable. |
Jodi Katz | Having that work experience right on your resume. Plus the fact that you spoke French, he's probably, "Okay, she'll figure out." |
Paige Novick | That was it. And then the photos, done. So then I had to teach myself, essentially. And I basically devoted six months to spending my morning, evenings, every moment, every breathing moment of my day and night, learning about this product, this category. And again, because I didn't have any formal training, I did what I wanted. And my first collection was kind of out there, but it was... It stood out and they liked it. And I stayed there for a few years and then decided I wanted to do my own thing. And so I took that knowledge and kind of shifted into my own signature style. And that was when Fru was born. |
Jodi Katz | So, let's go back to this time at the first hair accessories place. You're working as a creative director of design, are there other designers on staff at that point? |
Paige Novick | No, I was the only one. |
Jodi Katz | Oh. So you didn't have anybody looking at you being like, "That's not how we do it?" |
Paige Novick | Well, the owner of the company. But I remember his son felt sorry for me, so he trained me every night until I kind of got the hang of it and figured it out. And then from there, I just was able to kind of just use my own creativity. They gave me free rein, but there were certain parameters I had to stay within. |
Jodi Katz | And that inspired you to create Fru. So what did the name Fru... What inspired that? |
Paige Novick | Well, it was a derivative Fru-Fru. Which was kind of what the association was with hair accessories at the time, frilly and poofy and feminine and I wanted to do something completely minimalist and clean and modern. So I thought, Fru was sort of a fun play on that. And so my first collection was matte silver and gold burettes with nuts and bolts kind of ingrained in them... Engraved in them. And it was really cool. And masculine, feminine, and I love to play with that juxtaposition. So I created my own signature style within that category. |
Jodi Katz | And where did you sell these? |
Paige Novick | My first order was from Barneys. |
Jodi Katz | Oh my gosh, that's amazing. |
Paige Novick | Yeah, it was very exciting. At the time, my father had a textile company and we took over the back office. And then I had to buy everybody pizza because it was their lunch room and we just started to expand until I finally got a space in this neighborhood actually. |
Jodi Katz | What was the process of getting the product into Barneys at the time? |
Paige Novick | I mean it was, again, it was a little bit of a different world. I remember I went to see Judy Collinson, who was the fashion director at the time and showed her and they had never seen anything like it. And it was a hot moment for hair accessories, so they were on board. |
Jodi Katz | And did you manufacture before you got their PO or did you wait for their PO to start manufacturing? |
Paige Novick | I think I waited. |
Jodi Katz | Mm-hmm (affirmative). |
Paige Novick | Yeah. |
Jodi Katz | And were they all made locally? |
Paige Novick | All made locally. And, actually... I mean, the upside of not having the training is, again, you don't have those preconceived notions. The downside is that, the learning curve is much greater. So, I would say it took me a very long time to really get to the point where I understood the mechanics and the intricacies of it. |
Jodi Katz | So, how did you go from the world of accessories... Because then you moved on to handbags as well, right? With Fru. Into this lifestyle world where crystals and fragrance are part of your life? |
Paige Novick | Well, it was an interesting journey. The handbags became... As hair accessories started to weigh in as a category, I felt that handbags were coming next. And it was pre the Ad Bag. So there was a lot of room for contemporary designers to really just explore different avenues. And so, that's where I was in that space. But then, around the time I got married and had a child, I wanted to take a little break from it. And I just started designing for fun, men's bracelets. And then, it was picked... They were picked up by Paul Smith. And then, John Mayer bought one. And it was featured in People Magazine, Best Gift Guide of 2007. And next thing I knew, I was in business. |
Jodi Katz | Wait a minute. So you weren't even working on this. This was just... |
Paige Novick | It was a project, I did it for my husband and it was a fun thing, but I showed it to a friend who was the manager of Paul Smith and he showed it to the buyer. And next thing I knew, I was in the store. Which is my favorite. He's my icon by the way, Paul Smith and Karl Lagerfeld. |
Jodi Katz | So, they carry it in the store. All of a sudden it's People Magazine. This is not a machine you're moving. You did not have a publicist working on this. This was just... |
Paige Novick | No, I had to basically enroll friends, family, everyone to sit in my apartment and help me make them. And it was crazy. I mean it was off the rails. So I decided, okay, I got to... There's something here. And I started to build the collection, but then the recession hit. And so, I really wanted to go into fine jewelry. That was kind of always something that was in the back of my mind. But it was... The economy was not ready for it. So I took all my ideas and I translated them into silver and brass. And it was great timing because people were looking for the wow factor, and for not a lot of money. So for costume, they were able to get big statement pieces and for a fraction of what they would pay for a delicate necklace. So I had, really, had a moment with this one signature medallion where I took semiprecious gemstones, combine it with brass, did these medallions. It was a real signature big statement look. And I would say, we had a very healthy run at Bergdorf Goodman. I remember all the team members were wearing them. It was really exciting. But I knew that when the economy rebounded, I wanted to test the waters in fine. And so what happened was, I felt like... I saw costume kind of... Because my background also is in fashion forecasting, I forgot to mention I had a brief stint at Cotton Incorporated as- |
Jodi Katz | Oh, really? |
Paige Novick | Yeah. And worked with the trend director. And so, that was kind of in my blood. And so, I'm always thinking a year or two ahead. And so, I felt like costume jewelry maybe was just ebbing a little and that the next wave was going to be in fine, but I felt like it was going to be a different iteration of it. People were not going to go buy the pearls and the diamond studs and the classic things. People wanted something... Now that the economy was coming back, it's like they wanted something a little different with a cool factor. That's what my intuition said. So I created a 14 carat gold collection. And we were picked up by Saks as one of the... First of the nouveau design brands, where it was a little bit of a hybrid between fashion jewelry and ultra-fine jewelry. So it was fun everyday personal items that were day to night at Effortless Chic, cool and well-priced. And so... Then a lot of other brands jumped on that 14 carat bandwagons. So we decided to be competitive, we were going to move into 18 carat. And so that's where I am today. |
Jodi Katz | Mm-hmm (affirmative). |
Paige Novick | And then in terms of the crystals and the whole wellness journey, in parallel to all of this, I am somebody who's always loved alternative practices. I grew up with a mom who did acupuncture and took me to holistic doctors growing up and went to wellness training and all of the things in the seventies that were very progressive, that was her thing. |
Jodi Katz | Mm-hmm (affirmative). |
Paige Novick | And so, it was very familiar to me and always inside of me. I'm deeply spiritual, not religious, but very spiritual. And it was bubbling and I knew that it would somehow find its place, but I couldn't tell at the time what it was. And then, I was really drawn to meditation. And I started studying about six years ago with a friend who has a meditation studio in LA. And took me under her wing and trained me and I became so impassioned by it. And then, it made me more mindful. As I started practicing mindfulness in general, I started to pay attention to things. And I was working with all of these colored gemstones. And I noticed that there were certain colors that I was drawn to, certain stones that I was drawn to and others that I really didn't want anything to do with. And again, the more mindful you become, the more you start to notice things that maybe you wouldn't have seen before. So it led me to want to explore healing crystals. And much to my surprise, it was not woo-woo at all. I was actually hoping it would be. It was more earth science and metaphysics, which I was not thrilled about. But, I learned so much that I felt like this is a message that needs to be shared. And essentially what I learned was that the magic comes from us. We were all sold a bill of goods from the hippie movement that told us that, crystals are magic. And I think there's a lot of mystery to them. People don't quite understand them, even if they're drawn to them. And so what I learned is that, they hold vibrations because they've been under the earth surface for thousands of years. And those vibrations will align with our own energy centers or chakras to amplify whatever thought we program in them. So that was very empowering because the work comes from you, not the crystals. But the crystals almost act as our assistants, getting us there quicker. |
Jodi Katz | So, if I focus on let's say joy and I'm actually teaching my crystal to re-vibrate or remember the joy for me- |
Paige Novick | You're programming your crystal. |
Jodi Katz | Mm-hmm (affirmative). To remind my body on this, is that essentially what we're doing? |
Paige Novick | Well, essentially what doing is, you program your crystal with a thought or intention. And the crystals choose you, that's what I always say. If it's not a hell yes, it's a hell, no. So whatever crystal you're drawn to, chances are there's something about it that you need more of or that you want to call in. And so, if you program your crystals by holding crystal... By holding it in your nondominant hand, and then just imagining or picturing, visualizing whatever it is that you want to bring forth in your life and really see it and you ask your crystal for help and then you put it down, you've charged it, then the work comes from you. Your crystal did its job, done. You programmed it, now you have to take action. And that's... For a lot of people, that was new information. And so I started leading workshops and teaching one-on-one, because it... When the power turns from the crystals or inanimate objects to you, it's very different. And then you feel like you're in control and it's a really interesting process. |
Jodi Katz | This is fascinating to me. Well there's a few things. One, just your, as I'm hearing your story, your patterns of willing to educate yourself, right? So you had to get an education yourself, an education on hair accessory design, right? You had to work hard, right? |
Paige Novick | Didn't think of that. |
Jodi Katz | Then you were at a time in your life where you want to learn more about meditation, so you dove into educating yourself there. And now crystals, right? And then, it seems like there's a pattern of your willingness to just keep evolving. |
Paige Novick | I'm a constant student. I am... I mean, I haven't even told you the half of it. I'm a French nerd. I read every night in French and study. I love it. That's what keeps me going, keeps me alive and evolving and growing. Because for me, the worst thing is to be static and complacent. I think just the more you can learn, read and educate yourself, the more you can share your gifts with the world. |
Jodi Katz | So, what's cool about what you were saying and I think a lot of our listeners need to hear this is that, you started in one place and you just... You went with the flow, you followed the flow, you followed the trend. And just because you wanted to be a fine jewelry designer 15 years ago, you didn't let that hold you back because you knew that it wasn't the right time. So, there's a willingness to really just keep moving along, moving forward, but not necessarily the way that you intended. That's... I think we all need a little lesson in that. |
Paige Novick | Well that's the surrender. The element of surrender. And very often, we get attached to things that may not be right for us at that time. And that's what I mean when I say getting out of our own way, sort of paying attention to what shows up and what unfolds, and recognizing, and that's where the mindfulness comes in. That really is how you can kind of go through life effortlessly and in that flow. Now that being said, there are plenty of hardships and crazy stories along the way and bumps in the road, but it's all part of the journey. |
Jodi Katz | Right. But your entrepreneurial journey of being able to say, "Okay, I'll do this now and then I'll do this and then I'll try this and then it'll evolve to this." That's really hard for a lot of people to swallow. The willingness to not be controlling the outcome, right? And... I don't know what my business is going to be like in five years and maybe I don't even need to worry about it, I just need to keep moving forward. |
Paige Novick | Right. Well, part of it I think is, I'm a Libra sun sign, Sagittarius Rising and Leo Moon, it's a little bit unstoppable. |
Jodi Katz | Oh really? |
Paige Novick | Yeah. A friend just said to me earlier, she's like, "Oh, I can't tame you." So, I think part of it is in my nature. But yes, I'm definitely a risk taker. Both of my parents were as well. As long as it's... They're calculated risks. |
Jodi Katz | Right. So, you learned about crystals and then you decide to turn that into something sellable. |
Paige Novick | Right. Well, this is a really interesting part. Because at this time, I felt like these two worlds were so separate. Here, I was on this treadmill of just producing jewelry and selling it to the retailers when the business model had changed and much of it had become consignment and it was much harder for designers to actually make money. |
Jodi Katz | Right. |
Paige Novick | So... But I couldn't get off of the wheel, I couldn't get unstuck. And then sometimes they say, when you're unable to unstuck yourself, the universe will remove an obstacle for you and they'll take care of it. And so what happened to me was this gift wrapped in mud, as they say, my jewelry was confiscated at French Customs by... With an agent who didn't have paperwork, and it was crazy- |
Jodi Katz | When you say my jewelry was confiscated, you mean everything that you owned that you were trying to sell? |
Paige Novick | Yeah. Sorry. My collection was en route to London from Paris after having done a trade show. It was with an agent who was young and not experienced and didn't have paperwork and he was stopped at customs. And they thought it was contraband because there was no paperwork with it. So PS, the jewelry was confiscated for six months, 80% of my collection. |
Jodi Katz | Wow. |
Paige Novick | Well, if that wasn't a sign from the universe that there is something else bigger here that I had to look at... So after having a total meltdown, I recovered. |
Jodi Katz | Wait. What did a meltdown look like for you? Is it cursing? Is it crying? Is it days... Sleepless nights? What is- |
Paige Novick | All of it. I mean, I'm not... I wasn't out of control screaming, that's not my style. But I was really depressed. I was sad. I was anxious. I was panicked. I was just all of those emotions. |
Jodi Katz | So how much money worth of jewelry was gone? |
Paige Novick | 250000 |
Jodi Katz | Oh my God, that's so much. |
Paige Novick | Yeah. And once I did everything I possibly could, including going to Paris twice to take care of it, I spoke with this tarot card reader at the time who said to me, "Okay, it's coming back February 1st." And it was now early December, he's like, "Let go of it, figure out your next chapter. Just don't think about it. Because it's coming back, we can't do anything now." I had done everything. So, I let go. And then, I met somebody who wanted to collaborate on an essential oil collection with gemstones, and Gem Story was born. And that wouldn't have happened if the other thing were there because I would have been so focused on that. So the obstacle had to be removed. So by the time it came back on February 1st, by the way- |
Jodi Katz | Really? |
Paige Novick | Yes. Amazing tarot card reader named, Anthony, at Namaste bookstore, shameless plug. I had a different relationship with it. I wasn't attached to it. And that was the key. It was, I really learned about detachment. And so, I wasn't attached to it and I thought, okay, well you know what? I don't need 200 pieces in my collection. Maybe I need 50. And so I reduced my collection, I reduced the number of skews and the retailers that I worked with. I did what I wanted, the pieces that really resonated with me and were reflective of my style and iconic. Everything else, we got rid of off-price. And then I had the room mentally and physically to create this other micro brand, which has taken off and has a life of its own now. |
Jodi Katz | So you said, you went to the tarot card reader, you let the universe take control of getting their products back by February 1st, and you met someone who wanted to make essential oils with gemstones. So, where did this person appear? |
Paige Novick | Well, I met somebody who had their own personal care line and I approached them, so I didn't.. And because I knew I wanted to do something to marry these two worlds, because they were so separate. So for example, I was doing new jewelry, designing it, selling it, and then I was teaching mindfulness classes at my son's school, to the fifth grade. There were... And I was like, I have these two completely different lives. And so the oils with the gemstones inside were a way for me to synthesize these two modalities. And what I learned through my own studies is that, the act of anointing yourself and adorning yourself is a sacred act of self-recognition. And I realized that they're not so disconnected actually, because I adorn and I anoint. |
Jodi Katz | So, the essential oils, they sit in the gemstones, how do you... Are these charged stones? Tell me about that process of creating these. |
Paige Novick | Well, the process... The stones are charged before we soak them in the oil. But very often, people who create essential oils on their own, will soak the oils and stones just to absorb their energy and their power. And so, it's really beautiful. But call this oils, multisensory, because... Well first of all, they speak to all the senses. But then the multisensory element, are the ones that we can't define, not the smell, hearing, taste, touch, sound. The other ones they... When you're kind of operating on the fourth dimension or you have that intuitive sense or your... Something is... You have a prescient feeling about something or clairsentience. All of those things are multisensory, they're the ones you can't define. So we want these oils to really speak to that, not just being about the five senses that we all know about. |
Jodi Katz | So with the oils, am I going to be drawn to one in a similar way that crystal chooses me? |
Paige Novick | Definitely. As a matter of fact, I have some for you to choose from, today. |
Jodi Katz | Oh, cool. We'd love to do that. We can do that as a little video thing after this. |
Paige Novick | Perfect. Great. |
Jodi Katz | Because when you said that, I thought about Harry Potter and the wand chooses the wizard. |
Paige Novick | Yes. |
Jodi Katz | Right? |
Paige Novick | Exactly. I read all the books with my son. |
Jodi Katz | Right. So, I love surrendering to the world. It's helped me so much because I wanted to control everything for so many years. |
Paige Novick | We all do. |
Jodi Katz | Felt like out of control because of it. And I really have so much more fun going with the flow and just believing and trusting. |
Paige Novick | Yeah. |
Jodi Katz | So I'm really excited about this. |
Paige Novick | That's so nice to hear it. So, it's kind of counterintuitive, but the minute we give up control, that's when we actually have control over our lives. |
Jodi Katz | So now you're in the world of wellness, which I wonder, is the process of retailers and distribution similar to that of jewelry? |
Paige Novick | Yeah, it's definitely similar. The concept is similar. I think running a business once you've run a business for as long as I have, you kind of... And have done everything, it's not as much of a learning curve to go into a different category. |
Jodi Katz | And you've been... So... I mean, lucky is not the right word. You sought out really the best retailers through your career, right? The list that you just gave us is so impressive. What are your goals when it comes to the oils? Is that something that you'd like to see in stores the way that you were able to see your jewelry in stores? |
Paige Novick | Well, I would love to... We're working on something new right now. And so, the idea is to constantly evolve it and... Really I think, it's... The retail world is so different now when it comes to wellness because stores that didn't necessarily really display anything in that category, now have complete departments devoted to it. So I think it's a really different world. And again, I'm open to what shows up and what's the right fit. I don't want to force something. |
Jodi Katz | Right. But I'm sure you have dreams, right? |
Paige Novick | Yes. |
Jodi Katz | So, when you daydream... I do a lot of daydreaming about my business. When you daydream, where do you see the wellness aspects of your business going? |
Paige Novick | Well, my idea is really for people to turn routine into ritual, that's what our message is. And the most impact we can have and the most number of people, for me would be the best. Because I feel like I was put here to love, create and share. And if I could do that through these two modalities, then I would be very happy. |
Jodi Katz | Well, Paige thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us today. So great to- |
Paige Novick | Thank you for having me. |
Jodi Katz | ... hear your name and see your face again. |
Paige Novick | Likewise. |
Jodi Katz | And for our listeners, I hope you enjoyed this interview with Paige. Please subscribe to our series on iTunes and for updates about the show. Follow us on Instagram @wherebrainsmeetbeautypodcast. |
Announcer | Thanks for listening to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY® with Jodi Katz. Tune in again for more authentic conversations with beauty leaders. |